Update supervisor

I had a critical error with Supervisor but HA kept working for a few weeks. Today, I tried to update it in the UI but things didn’t really work. Now, I can’t access my HA on my iphone app neither on my desktop. I’m running HA on a raspberry pi 3.
When I try, it says that the system is unhealthy : supervisor
When I try to connect on the iphone app, I always get an error message : Could not connect to the server. NSURLErrorDomain -1004
I’d like to be able to run HA supervisor update in the CLI but I don’t know how to access it.

Thank you for your help!
Capture d’écran, le 2023-10-25 à 17.40.58|690x429

connect a keyboard and a monitor to your pi3

then type “supervisor update” And “core update” IF your not on latest, also type: “host update”

and REBOOT you pi3, or just try with " host reboot "

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i’m also having a similar issue. Observer tells me everything is healthy but i’m stuck with my supervisor version. These are my stats:

Running on Raspi 4
External MariaDB
Home Assistant 2023.10.3
Supervisor 2023.10.1
Operating System 11.1
Frontend 20231005.0 - latest

I can’t get the Core to update from 2023.10.3. In HA directly it tells me about the new update but after starting it stops without any notice after some seconds. Even with “supervisor update” typed directly with Screen and Keyboard connected, it tells me no Update available (which is not true, obviously).

Any idea on how to get the system to update?

Tahnks in advance

You have latest Supervisor

So try with " core update " as it’s the only part where your system is not on latest

Sorry for the confusion. “Another job is running for the job group home_assistant_core” is the message

Meaning you have already started the/a core-update-process, i suggest you wait awhile , and if “nothing” happens, you could try to “restart” (through the GUI), if it’s after this is not on “Home Assistant 2023.10.5” , click /Settings/System/Updates# the 3dots-show-skipped ( that is if you dont see the Update, in the usual way)

trying again but that’s what i try for some days now. i wasn’t able to update to 2023.10.4 too. Same for .5 and therefore skipped it after some time thinking the next version might work after a while. since then i had several restarts and even an OS update this morning. even after that i don’t get the core to update.

even after hardware reboots obviously

Maybe there was “something fishy” with " 2023.10.4 too. Same for .5" , it happens sometimes ( depending also upon ones “setup/configurations”) , it’s just give it another try ( However also sometimes, after i.e restart, where the update didn’t go through, one don’t see an “update notification”, as it ends up in “skipped” ( if you i.e manage to restart before the update-process finished )

i see the update under “skipped”. i even manually skipped it because i was annoyed to see it on my wall panel. i’m a bit lost here. is there a way to force jobs in the group home_assistant_core to stop or new ones to get through anyway?

Force … “host reboot” in console, after that( when it’s restarted again ) “core update” in console

Sometimes it is the backup that hangs the homeassistant core group, especially if the backup is to a place that is not available at the moment, like a shutdown NAS or a network/cloud drive that requires login.

I’m using the “Home Assistant Google Drive Backup” and don’t see any issue there. The work normally in there is no current or pending backup.


it’s driving me nuts. still nothing happens in system and via CLI

even after 2h and a restart i’m stuck with the old version

Well i did type “host reboot” first , not sure what you mean by “restart” , there’s a big different
after Reboot, type “core inf”

You do have enough disk-space ?

I did the “host reboot”. Even hard power-off. I found this entry in the Supervisor log:

i got 2.4 GB of free space.


ha su repair