Updated to .31 and can't get to frontend

Just updated from .21 to .31. Installed .21 through the all in one. Running Pi3. Here are the steps that led me to the update. Ran the update through the all in one update steps on the site.

  1. Bought Ecobee and installed. Added to HA and worked great.
  2. Had a new harmony hub up and running and never added stuff to HA Bridge to control through Alexa.
  3. Added step 2 hub to HABridge and synced up Alexa. Devices were seen and all seemed good.
  4. Alexa didn’t control them. Did a few restarts of HA and HABridge.
  5. Figured I hadn’t updated in a while so did it.
  6. Can’t get to frontend now.

Here is the HA log:

16-10-22 20:27:28 plexapi: HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=32400): Max retries exceeded with url: /?X-Plex-Token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x6ee59390>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] No route to host’,))

That is all there is. I know enough about this to be dangerous so I apologize if the above is obvious to fix but I am not sure why the plexapi may be causing this or if it is causing it. Any suggestions? Can add my config file if needed. I # out the Plex info in the config file hoping that would help but it did not.

Thanks in advance.

you have updated from .21 to .31
so have you looked at all the breaking changes from .22 .23 .24 until .31??

probably there is something changed there which made your yaml file to be incorrect for this version.

Weird I am having problems with the update too:

Oct 22 20:08:53 raspberrypi hass[1174]: (result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)
Oct 22 20:08:53 raspberrypi hass[1174]: UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xb0 in position 37: invalid start byte
Oct 22 20:08:53 raspberrypi systemd[1]: home-assistant.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Oct 22 20:08:53 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Unit home-assistant.service entered failed state.


P.D. Going from 0.30.2 to 0.31

That is what I was thinking could be going on but it is only pointing to that. I only use it right now for a couple switches and the HA Bridge. Just testing the waters for the moment. Found a couple issues before posting that were hitting the log. Had an elevation, fahrenheit and something else issue. Those are gone now and this is the only one left.

Thermostat. That was the other issue. Had my honeywell still under thermostat instead of climate.

The above thermostat comment did not fix my problem. Was just stating the other of the three things I was able to fix. Elevation, F and Thermostat.

Mine takes much longer to start up now, and I’ve just discovered I don’t seem to have services showing any more. (:8123/dev-service). I have the Call a service from a component bit but the right hand side with a list of services to call has disappeared.

Besides the normal log errors

Not sure how to properly post error log…

async loop error is the only thing that stands out as new. and I have no idea what is

16-10-23 18:03:08 netdisco.ssdp: Error fetching description at
16-10-23 18:03:10 homeassistant.components.zwave: zwave not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway
16-10-23 18:05:15 netdisco.ssdp: Error fetching description at
16-10-23 18:05:27 homeassistant.components.light.hue: Error connecting to the Hue bridge at
16-10-23 18:08:10 homeassistant.core: Error inside async loop: Task exception was never retrieved
16-10-23 18:10:21 pychromecast.socket_client: Error communicating with socket, resetting connection
16-10-23 18:10:21 pychromecast.socket_client: Failed to connect, retrying in 5.000000s
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hass/.homeassistant/deps/pychromecast/socket_client.py", line 239, in initialize_connection
    self.socket.connect((self.host, self.port))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/ssl.py", line 840, in connect
    self._real_connect(addr, False)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/ssl.py", line 827, in _real_connect
    socket.connect(self, addr)
ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused
16-10-23 18:15:10 homeassistant.core: Error inside async loop: Task exception was never retrieved

No services showing here either after the update to 0.31.0. Also hung on me until I redid all the zwave names.

I have done the Z-wave and didn’t have any hanging, just a slow reboot. After the last reboot my error log is somewhat smaller. netdisco and and the async loop errors persist.

16-10-23 18:21:01 netdisco.ssdp: Error fetching description at
16-10-23 18:21:01 netdisco.ssdp: Error fetching description at
16-10-23 18:21:04 homeassistant.components.light.hue: Error connecting to the Hue bridge at
16-10-23 18:21:04 homeassistant.components.zwave: zwave not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway
16-10-23 18:48:39 homeassistant.core: Error inside async loop: Task exception was never retrieved
16-10-23 19:31:40 homeassistant.core: Error inside async loop: Task exception was never retrieved

There is a casperboo asking about the zwave change on the 0.31 blog post. I can’t seem to comment there but for me, an extra digit was added to the end of the device names, "_8" became "_8_0" and "_8_3" and so on.

Even doing a find change with atom project wide changing “…temperature_4” to “.temperature_4_1” and so on for all my ZW stuff took me 45 mins. It’s very possible I broke something but everything seems to be working. I accidentally did it on one device twice and ended up with “…temperature_4_1_1” everywhere it appeared.

I’m seeing this as well. Seems like there is a stricter check on encoding of the yaml files?

Did you find out what caused your problem?

Hi , as suggested at the chat , I deleted the hidden files on the subdirectories and it started working

So you are saying get rid of these in my file and have the contents in that file in the main config file?

customize: !include customize.yaml

Also, the zwave naming. I have zwave stuff and I read of the naming changes. Maybe I am misunderstanding. Sounded to me like once HA started the zwave may not work because it renamed some. Example, I have a switch named switch.ge_12722_onoff_relay_switch_switch_4. That may have been changed to switch.ge_12722_onoff_relay_switch_switch_4_1. So once HA started I would be able to see that, change my files and then just restart. Is that correct? If so, I can’t even get HA to start and the only thing that is showing is the above plexapi thing. I can’t see a front end. I can see the HA Bridge front end and the zwave files say it is running.

I’m also missing the Services list since updating to .31 from .30. I don’t have any Zwave devices. There are no errors in the log.

The service list is in the drop down now.

I am getting the async errors to. My zwave devices are through vera so that has not changed for me.

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Did a clean install of everything and am up and running. Only had a couple switches and Harmony stuff going. Wasn’t too bad. Thanks everyone.

After updating my zwave IDs, all is up and running normally except I’m getting the following error in my log file:

16-10-23 21:44:06 homeassistant.components.zwave: zwave not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway

Not sure what to do with this. Everything seems to be working…

I have always had that error @cynicated - I think I remember reading that you can change a setting somewhere to wait until the network is ready before booting homeassistant but can’t find it now.

I can’t access my frontend either, but HASS is running. I don’t have any errors either. What could be preventing the frontend from loading?

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What version did you update from?

The latest one before it.