Updating Core and HassOS from USB

I’m based in China, which means it is not easy to update hass.io through the automatic methods (unless I putt the RbPi behind a VPN for each update, which is a hassle and not reliable).

I would like to download the update manually on my computer and transfer it to a USB. Can the “import from USB” button in the Supervisor screen be used to import an update? I tried the method of transferring the latest “hassos_rpi3-3.12.raucb” to the root of my CONFIG USB drive, but this doesn’t seem to work.

I found one old topic with a similar issue, but there is no solution, unfortunately (Updating Hassos via USB)

Is somebody aware if there is a method this can work?

Sorry for kicking this topic. Anybody with clues on how to proceed with an update from USB?

Have a look a this page:

It describe exactly what you’re looking for. Basically, create a USB stick named CONFIG (you can even rename an older one) with the *.raucb in the root folder.