Updating HA Core to 2024.7.0 and 7.1 Energy Dashboard is not working FIXED

2024.7.1 did not work for me neither. Back on 2024.6.4 and waiting for a permanent fix

Hello , going from 7.0 to 7.1 and again energy dashboard was gone , i go back to 7.0 but still no energy dashboard. :thinking:

I take a look at the logbook and see a lot of errors from the integration Places installed with HAC. There was an update for Places special for the 7.0 core. After installing the new Places update and now the energydashboard is working again. :grinning:

Maybe for you some other integration is not compatible , take a look at the log book for errors from integrations and try to solve them. Please rapport not working integrations so other persons can take advantage of this topic.

Same for me. I disabled iCloud3 and the energy dashboard is working again. Thanks to you. Great.

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After updating to latest version I have issue as well. Nothing in logbooks :frowning:

Data is missing and comes cummalized on random hours

Same issue, Energy Dashboard not updating after 04 am. Seems to stop after purge. Rebooting HA temporarely fixes it.

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Seeing same issue. Rolling back to 2024.06.04 fixes it

Same issue since update to 2024.7.0 and 2024.7.1

Best regards

Same here
After restarting Hasio, it works until 4:00 in the morning.

Same here. Logbook shows nothing. Restarting fix it temporarily but at 4:00 AM the problem re-appears. Only reverting back to 6.4 fix the issue permanently.

I’m see the same blank energy dashboard since the upgrade to 7.1 and an " Unknown error" message when attempting to edit the energy dashboard. All my entities appear to be updating in real-time, however, when I view their history graphs, many of those history graphs are showing an incorrect state and no recent state updates.

Its not only energy dashboard, all statistical entries on my PV report flat lines. The Sensors work properly. Any fix in sight?

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I just noticed also sensors are not being properly updated (temperature, humidity etc.
That’s weird…

Damm, same here. 2024.7 and 2024.7.1. Hoped it was a one-time recorder thing and fixed it after reboot. But it is not. Running docker container and just changed from :stable image to :2024.6.4 until the issue is resolved.

I fixed this by removing iCloud3 v3 from HACS

There is a problem in the 2024.7 releases that causes a deadlock in the database during the auto purge job that runs a little after 4am. See this issue for more details.

The issue is not caused entirely by custom integrations. It looks like some integrations are also breaking the purge, but even if those integrations are removed or updated, you may still have problems.

The fix is coming in 2024.8. It won’t be included in a 2024.7 bugfix release because the fix is a little risky and the devs want it to bake in the dev and beta channels for a bit before releasing.

If you have the issue, the only fixes are to downgrade to 2024.6.4 or disable the auto purge job and wait for 2024.8.


thanks drothenberger,

I was sure that this was some kind of bug but i was not sure if it was acknowledged and if yes when it was planned to be fixed. I am sticking with 2024.6.4 version until the 2028.8.x is released.

Exactly the same issue here as those reported above, I’m now just disabling iCloud3 to see if it fixes it, if not I’ll revert back to an older version… will update when I know…

Yep, disabling iCloudv3 fixed it for now… will wait for 2028.8.x as per above…

Just to update this thread. As mentioned above the issue is resolved and planned in 2024.8. There is a issue that is triggered when auto purge is happening.

If your disk can hold it, then disabling the auto purge of recorder is also a temporary workaround. Maybe the best so far.

Same Here. Where do i disable Auto purge?
All custom variables stopped working too