I haven’t seen this issue before. Occasionally I have either supervisor or core updates take some time. Sometimes I get them successful by unticking the do backup before install. Usually I do a restart of either HA or in extreme cases (where I have tried 3 times) I do a hard reboot of the Intel NUC where HA is running.
For context I have the following
Operating System12.4
I have both core update 2024.8.0 and supervisor 2024.08.0 staring at me in the update area of settings.
Trying to update using the gui button just leads to spinning of the icon - this can go on for hours (tried an overnight one). Happens on core and supervisor.
I thought I would then try in the CLI.
The core update process returned the following
Post “http://supervisor/core/update”: context deadine exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
I looked at LOGS but the only thing in them is the list of HACS integrations that I have been running for at least 2 years without them causing this issue.
At the time of writing this the CLI command to update supervisor is still in the running phase (started about two hours ago)
Is the NUC busy on other VMs too?
There is a breaking change first in the core update about a database change that will take time and you should not interrupt it.
logs for supervisor don’t show anything critical or indicating why no updates occur.
I have mention of a system autofix complete and then system updated Home assistant API token that was this morning??
now thats a question I don’t have an answer for. If i’m running HA OS and the machine has no other interface - how can I check that? Do i need to use CLI?