Upgrading my Home Assistant Setup

Hi guys

I started my HA journey about a year ago and have been adding stuff over the past year. Mainly I wanted to use HA to monitor my solar production and home energy consumption. My use case is still basic compared to other peoples setups.

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 / 2GB with a 32GB microSD card. Now I think power wise the RPi is still more than enough, but I fear that the microSD will one day give up on me and all my data and setup may be lost.

Can anyone point me in the right direction how to use a USB-connected SSD on the RPi as the main volume or how I should generally approach making my setup safer and more stable?


If all you need is better storage and want to stay with the Pi4 then look at hats like this for it:


Make sure you do daily backups to an offline source, NAS or google. Then it is easy to restore if things go bad.

As for upgrading to ssd either using a hat or usb, just read up on booting a pi from usb, and install a fresh HA and restore from a backup, that way you will keep your SD card configured and you can return to it easily if you have issues with the SSD.

Thanks. I understand with this HAT I can use the SSDs used in Notebooks etc.
Does this have any significant advantage over a SSD connected over USB?

Speed shouldn’t be that big of a concern, right?

I use Google Drive also to backup my personal files, invoice etc. so that really makes sense. Thanks for the recommendation.

it uses USB as the connection via the adapter that it comes with, the benefit is that you are saving space and can change out the m.2 ssd easier when you need to.

The speed will be the max throughput of the USB 3.0 port on the pie that it uses.