I burned a raspbian lite to my SD card, and enable USB boot mode
I burned hassio rpi3 image to my USB stick
try to boot with only USB device -> no boot
boot from SD card with USB stick is plugged in -> rasbian started
I changed the cmdline.txt on SD card and USB stick
boot from SD card with USB stick is plugged in -> resin OS started (but docker has an error)
I used ssh to see logs:.............$ ssh root@pi -p 22222 root@hassio:~# docker ps Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
remove SD card and boot again -> resin OS and docker is running
hass.io has an error: disk full
root@hassio:~# journalctl -f ... Aug 13 12:14:20 hassio dockerd[766]: 2017/08/13 14:14:20 [alert] 27#27: *2 write() to "/var/lib/nginx/logs/access.log" was incomplete: 117 of 215 while logging request, client: ::ffff:, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "hassio.local:8123", referrer: "http://hassio.local:8123/" Aug 13 12:15:02 hassio dockerd[766]: time="2017-08-13T12:15:02.567164650Z" level=error msg="Not continuing with pull after error: failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl/auto/Encode/JP/JP.so: no space left on device" ...
shutdown with ssh
I used gparted to resize resin-data partition
boot from USB
Home Assistant is now runnning