USB printer to network printer

I have a spare Pi running Raspbian with CUPS installed with an old Epson USB printer attached. Printer is reachable via any computer/tablet or phone on the network. There is even a CUPS component in HA to show the printer status.

CUPS is a 1 line install on the Pi but you do need to modify the config file after to get it working. There are guides online on how to do this.

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I understand that reasoning. However, I would still be interested in a component for creating a sensor for HP Printer xml information for a printer that is connected to a computer on the network via USB and not directly connected to internet.

We’re using like 5% of our processing power on our pi, and nearly none of the space for a typical install, but certainly adding *one more integration at this point is too much! /tinkerer

We have integrations for all methods of non-home automation things, if I knew what I was doing, I’d write up a rough hacs integration to prove the point.

Ability to fairly easily add ‘normal’ services to the OS is something I find frustratingly difficult to to find information about when it comes to HA.

e.g. My wife recently replaced our USB printer with a plant… so now the printer cable does not reach my OpenWRT router which had CUPS on it for all the family printing needs…

But… I’ve just done a std SD card HA install on an RPI3, so thought, ok, I should just able able to run CUPS there, and put the raspberry near the printer.

But it seems it’s taboo to discuss HA OS aspects? Surely this is about the only place where HA OS aspects could get answered? (I’ll report back here if/when I find a way :slight_smile: ).

I could give an example on why a printer server can be part of Home Automation.

I don’t have a printer, I have a full copier machine (it was cheaper buying a used then a new printer). My copier uses a lot of power, and because of that, I keep off most of the time.
I did add a wi-fi outlet that I can control via HA. However, I have to always remember to turn on the copier and then send something to print.

If I could use HA as a small print server, I could probably detect activity in the Print Server (somebody sent something to be printed), call a HA script to turn on the copier, and after 5 minutes (for example) turn off the copier.


excellent scenario. Remotely turn on the printer before sending the print.

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I have my printer connected to my macbook and it shows up as IPP printer. surely this should be something in scope of Home Assistant to enable AirPrint for my IPP printer.

It makes no sense to use another Pi to do the job. This is a legitimate ask and I’d love to see an integration for that (or HACS)

no need for another RPI, if you can install cups in docker Setting up local USB printer with CUPS via Portainer


It will be nice, if HA will have second docker image, for what is indirectly related to automation. From the point of view of environmental protection, it will be extremely useful if HA can turn on devices through a smart socket, then determine their status (for example, by current consumption), and say to users, when devices will be ready. In addition to the printer, it will be useful for TVs, audio systems, projectors. those. Idea is to remove the standby mode from the devices.

It is there already:

already done with Tuya plug, can be done with any plug which measures voltage, power and current. What we need is better integration in HA of printers and scanners.
Brother has an integration Brother Printer - Home Assistant for network printers.

I’m using this one: Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) - Home Assistant

I am also looking for this…that I want to connect my usb printer to home assistant server and then use it as network printer …is that really possible .

This argument holds 0 water. not to mention that the comparison with a trailer hitch is a massive false comparison. the trailer hitch is ridiculous because a bike can’t pull it, hassio can easily manage a print server, that isn’t a heavy load.

here’s a list of official add-ons supported by default that have 0 to do with home automation:

  1. DHCP server
  2. DNSmasq
  3. DuckDNS
  4. VLC

are you really going to argue that the ability to play media files is somehow more related to home automation than a print server?

now for the community add-ons listed:

  1. Adguard home
  2. bookstack
  3. chrony
  4. folding@home
  5. matrix
  6. plex media server
  7. spotify connect
  8. The Lounge
  9. Tor
  10. vaultwarden

Being able to play spotify from an home automation platform makes less sense than running a print server from it. let alone an IRC server, calculating protein folds, or a password database. (what will you even automate with a password server?)

So can we agree that hassio is much more than just an home automation platform? its a home integration platform, and a printserver fits in that just as much as all the applications i listed above. its the central hub to control the devices in your home from. whether thats a light fixture, a washing machine or your printer.

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All of those are community (not core) add-ons. Their existence doesn’t mean they’re a fit with the purpose of HAOS, just that people felt like building them for HA.

Feel free to build one for CUPS

VLC is not a community (so it is a core) add-on, its an official add-on.

Did anyone find any solution for this? :slight_smile:

I know it is an old topic, but this may help:

It is not mine, but I have done in my HA Install with a Network Copier (Bizhub C3350) and it works great.


The above mentioned, many year old thread also contain MULTIPLE (4-5) AADON repositories for HAOS to achieve this.
If you user Docker, the containers also already exist.

Instead of delegitimizing almost all AddOns or framing People into a religious cult I would recommend to test them out and stick to the topic

@freddiebacklund maybe you can try it out?

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We need official hardware such as esphome, but for USB, to be cheap, and allow to be print server forward to HA, detect power on USB, and another things.