Use Home Assistant as cloud storage

Hi together,

I would like to use HAss (a folder on my raspi) as a cloud storage. Instead of dropping files to GDrive, I would like to save it on my HAss.

Via Cloudflare, … I have remote access to my HAss.

Is there already an integration or anything to do this comfortable with a mobile and/ or desktop app?

I did see the Seafile integration, but it says this will only enable the possibility to view media files in HAss.

I love the way google photos works - you can easily click on delete pictures (on your phone) when they are backed up…
ofc, this will not work automatically, but thats the main reason why I want to do this/ how I want to use it…


There’s more suited applications for this than HA. Haven’t tried it my self but you can check out Nextcloud.

3rd party addon for nextcloud:

Nextcloud website:

Hi ,
thanks for you fast replies. When I set up a free account I have to choose a provider.

I don’t want / need a provider, as I want to use my raspi as storage, but I don’t see any other option to create an account… for the integration I need one.

I linked to the add-on, not the integration.

The add-on creates an actual nextcloud server that you can store things in.

The integration just connects to a nextcloud server to create sensors that tell you things like how much space you have available or how many files you are storing.

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