August 13, 2020, 5:21am
Hi guys,
Very new to HA, played around a lot with UI but cannot find any option to change http to https for browser access. This seems like a pre-requisite these days so please point me to the right resource if there is an easy setting that can be turned on for https.
August 13, 2020, 5:47am
You’ll need to generate the .pem certificates, either from duckdns or any other provider (or use your own dns with cert-bot )
This guide has been migrated from our website and might be outdated. Feel free to edit this guide to update it, and to remove this message after that.
If your Home Assistant instance is only accessible from your local network, you can still protect the communication between your browsers and the frontend with SSL/TLS.
Let’s Encrypt will only work if you have a DNS entry and remote access is allowed.
The solution is to use a self-signed certificate. Please note, however, that after y…
(aka DubhAd on GitHub)
August 13, 2020, 6:15am
You need an SSL certificate (full-chain) and key, and then you configure HA to use them.
If you’re using Home Assistant OS or Supervised there’s various add-ons that can generate those certs for you.
August 14, 2020, 1:14am
Thanks @aceindy & @Tinkerer , worked like a charm!!