Use KNX climate temperature_address as separate temperature entity


I have integrated my KNX installation into HA via a (growing) knx.yaml.
I have my KNX thermostates controlled via the “climate” tag. My KNX temperature sensors have group addresses mentioned there:

- name: bathroom
  temperature_address: 8/3/152
  target_temperature_state_address: 8/1/106
  operation_mode_address: 8/4/116
  operation_mode_state_address: 8/4/106
  active_state_address: 8/7/106

Can I use the temperature sensor made available here via temperature_address separately as an entity?
Or do I need to configure a “sensor” section with the same group address in parallel again? Like

- name: bathroom temperature
  state_address: 8/3/152
  state_class: measurement
  type: temperature
  device_class: temperature
  sync_state: expire 240

I would like to avoid double configuration if not necessary.


Hi :wave:!
Yes, if you want an additional sensor entity, you’d have to configure it. Either as Knx sensor or as template sensor using the attribute of the climate entity.

Thanks, farmio,
I think I have not understood yet, how to access the temperature from the climate entity alone.
Do you mean “climiate: temperature_address” by “template sensor using the attribute of the climate entity”? Or is there another attribute?
How can I access the temperature (e.g. to show it separately in a dashboard card) from an entity “climate.bathroom” where I have defined a temperature_address ? Is that possible?

Thanks again.

Have a look here on how to use state based template sensors.

Or just create an additional Knx sensor.