Using CATT

Yes exactly the same result for me, also with mine own HA site.

I can however cast webcam video from inside HA to the Chromecast with catt.

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Does this work on a raspberry pi? I’m tempted to give it a go but worried it may not be fast enough.

I haven’t tried it on a pi. But I would imagine so.

Casting works by handing url to the client and the client does the work, so your home hub or Chromecast is actually the one doin work.

0.97.1 here and having same issue on my nest hub.

Thanks, I thought the Pi may have to do something crazy like encode the webpage to a streaming video or something like that! I’ll give this a try sometime, I have an older chromecast but really hardly every use it as I’ve only used it because it normally only works with a few things

Strange. I haven’t seen that and not sure what would cause it. You do need to add trusted networks to your config though I believe. If you haven’t done that yet give it a shot.

Please do not post images of text. Copy and paste has been around a while now!

Like Nick said…can barely even read that. looks like tyour command is wrong but cant tell with screenshots

sorry about that. The terminal wouldn’t let my copy. When i type “install = pip install catt”, i get the following back…

install: can’t stat ‘=’: no such file or directory
install: can’t stat ‘pip’: no such file or directory
install: can’t stat ‘install’: no such file or directory

The command to install is:

pip install catt

Leave out the “install =”

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I totally misread the instructions by Darbos. I thought I was suppose to type “install” and “use”. :man_facepalming:

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I have the same problem on 0.97.2…starts to load my lovelace page then google hub crashes.

Are you using the IP address or a host name for the cast_site? I didn’t get it to work until I switched to the IP address.

something like this?

catt -d 'Kitchen display' cast_site ''

The google hub gets stuck on the dashcast screen. Says “force loading:

it won’t be https:// though if it’s using the ip address…

Have you added the trusted networks in your configuration.yaml under the homeassistant section?

  - type: trusted_networks

I’ve tried adding that but it crashes my lovelace. Is this where i put it? I think it’s formatted correctly.

    - type: trusted_networks

The homeassistant section should already exist at the top of the file. If you are adding another, it will be an error. Please post the error message when you get errors, it saves a lot of guessing.

I have added auth-providers but mine get stuck with s HA logo at the top and a button with the text “start Over” in the midlle of the screen :frowning: