Using Home Assistant Cloud (Nabu Casa) URL locally without internet connection

I’m pretty sure this has a relatively simple solution, but I haven’t been able to find it, so I’m asking:

I’m a Home Assistant Cloud (Nabu Casa) subscriber. I initially set Home Assistant up - with DuckDNS, Google Home and so on - without the subscription because I could and it’d be fun to be able to do it, but in the end I was tempted by the simplicity of the Home Assistant Cloud subscription and went that way (I had, after all, proven to myself that I could do without it if I wanted to).

Anyways, I use the very long Home Assistant Cloud URL ( in the iOS app and Chrome web apps on iPad, Android phone and PC. It’s working smoothly both at home and remotely.

However, I’ve experienced internet outages a couple of times during the last month and on such occassions I cannot (of course) access Home Assistant using the Home Assistant Cloud URL. Instead I have to open a browser and type the IP and port (http://10.x.x.x:8123). That works but it is somewhat cumbersome and the biggest nuisance is that I’m guessing that there is a solution to this and I don’t know what it is. Argh!

I’ve read about NGINX and have a feeling that this might be something to explore, but I haven’t seen examples of using NGINX to point a Home Assistant Cloud URL to the local IP, so I’m not sure if this is the best route or even possible.

So, if someone would be so kind as to enlighten me or point me in the right direction, I would perhaps be able to overcome this hurdle and get some peace of mind… :wink:

In your home dns server map to 10.x.x.x

Thanks for responding so quickly!

I thought of that and tried Dnsmasq and pointed the URL to 10.x.x.x. But that doesn’t change the port. The local URL is 10.x.x.x:8123, whereas the remote URL is https (implying port 443). So that didn’t quite cut it, was my conclusion.

I may, of course, have done something wrong… It’s happened before…

Good point. I’d never noticed that. I haven’t needed to do this, I just type my local address.

Im lazy, I use a shortcut in my bookmarks bar