Using Nuki Lock 3.0 Fully Local without Bridge

If you have Nuki v3 and are using ESPHome:

Although the nuki-bridge in ESPHome allows to use a keypad, I don’t think it’s possible to configure these kind of rules directly. This seems to be possible using an automation. I don’t have a keypad so this is purely theoretical:

If you are using v4, ignore the above paragraph.

  1. Create an automation with different triggers, one time triggee, and one that gets the keypad input
  2. Add conditions based on time if needed
  3. Create a Choose action that will run when both of your triggers are triggered. Then call lock.unlatch service to open the door.

Not sure how the keypad will report to nuki-bridge the state, I suggest you to read the docs.

I tried the exact integration with Nuki Smart Lock 3.0. The lock is discovered and can be used normally but unfortunately with hue delays. Sometimes it instantly responds but usally it takes more then 20 seconds. I have connected Nuki with to a bluetooth proxy network. Switchbot devices work flawlessly but Nuki has delay problems.

It doesn’t have delay problems, it can be configured. Since the lock uses polling to communicate with the lock to save battery, it does in intervals of x seconds

EDIT: changed integration by lock

Wait a minute. So if I write an automation to pull the info like in 1second will it help ?

It can be configured in the lock itself through the Nuki app. Just browse all the settings, it has some interesting configs.

AFAIR it’s the lock that does the polling for events, so automations won’t help.