Using the new "camera_view: live" in my current configuration

lol, i added it to my configuration.yaml aswell.

thank you for the clarification, works well if configured it the right way :slight_smile:

I was confused cause that page says “Just add camera_view: live” to the configuration. Most of the times on forum the main configurations linkes to \configuration.yaml :blush:

here is a example that works fine for me:

type: picture-entity
action: toggle
action: more-info
show_icon: true
show_name: true
camera_view: live
entity: camera.camera_kitchen

@GAS No, Blink does not support stream:. I hope to add that to a future release, but have been unsuccessful so far.

Good addition , works great!!

Where is this example added?

How to align?

Thank you!

What exempel are you searching for? See my config example 2 messages aboves


Ask how to add to yaml, how to align?

Are you using yaml mode? Cause I believe you want use picture entity in yaml mode. Not sure do ny example is for lovelace. You should add the component in a camera.yaml and include all yaml files in a directory called something like packages. Then in December configuration.yaml you need to include that packages folder

Thanks Reply!
Can you share your camera.yaml?

go to folder packages

Regardless of what your camera supports, nothing is going to stream unless you DO put that stream in your configuration.yaml or in my case, I put it in a file called camera.yaml in the config/packages folder and the few critical lines are thus:

#Nobody told us we had to put the stream component in there. 

Up until that point, I could have added all the perfect HTTP and RTSP urls, properly authenticated and done up with a bow, but those cameras weren’t gonna be doing a darn thing without putting stream: all alone and by itself somewhere in a yaml file.

Maybe it’s because I was interfacing with a crappy analog Q-see 958, but it streams RTSP and still images from all the cameras, but not without stream: enabled.

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I have one question… The live option work perfectly with picture-entity. like that:

type: picture-entity
entity: camera.jardin
camera_view: live

But I could not get it work with picture-element like that:

type: picture-elements
image: /local/16-9-dummy-image.jpg
- type: image
  entity: camera.jardin
  camera_image: camera.jardin
  camera_view: live
    height: 100%
    left: 50%
    top: 50%
    width: 100%

My goal is to add action button over the camera stream.

I’m having similar results.

For me, the live feeds work fine in picture-glance cards, but, I cannot get a live feed within a picture-elements card to work, like yourself.

Also, ever since 0.90, I find that the camera_image stops updating after a while and then never changes until the page is refreshed. This never used to be required and I could leave it without ever having to intervene.

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FYI, I played with this a few minutes and got the following to work:

 - type: picture-elements
    title: Picture Elements w Stream 
    image: /local/FloorPlanExample.jpg
      - type: image
        entity: light.end_table_lamp
        camera_image: camera.my_camera_ffmpeg
        camera_view: live

What I get is an floor plan as the main background which contains a small window with motion video sourced from my_camera_ffmpeg. When you tap on the motion video window you get pop up of more-info of the end table lamp (which is the default action).
I did set entity: to that of the camera, but that didn’t work.

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The code you suggested was no different to what I was using and changing the entity made no difference for me.

I have since downgraded to 0.89.2, as this was the last working version where my camera snapshots would continually update without intervention due to these errors:

WARNING (MainThread) [haffmpeg.core] Timeout while waiting of FFmpeg

Regardless, thank you for your input.

Anyone using the motioneye streaming to get it to show up in the picture-glance entity?

All I’m getting is the spinning media player window.

Hi, I have a Yi Dome camera (1080p PTZ) and I’m trying to use it with live stream.
Live stream work prefect with all applications like vlc and others but NOT work on home assistant.
The stream window remain blank and not see any image in streaming.
My configuration is:

In configuration.yaml:

  javascript_version: latest

  ffmpeg_bin: /usr/bin/ffmpeg
  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: camera
    input: rtsp://

in lovelace card:

camera_view: live
type: picture-entity

Hi all, I am trying to get my rain radar camera looking the way I want it to look. Almost there. It is currently like

but I am wanting it more like to better match existing cards. Rain radar is animated and working fine, I would just like to nest it within a smaller box in the card with its own heading. Any help would be appreciated. I am on the latest version of Homeassistant using Lovelace in YAML mode.

Hello. I am from another point of view. :wink: On my reolink C2 live-view works like a charm but I want to change a card behavior.

Can I disable live-view on single-tap on a camera card? I want to see live-view on double-tap or long-press.
My camera located in country house with only 3G channel. Thats I preffer to see a camera image on pressing the card, but to have a possibility to see live-stream.

Thanks for replies.


Did you get it working with motioneye?

Just in case someone had difficult adding motionEye streams to lovelace, just found the solution here: Add RPi camera module to motionEye? Use Pi W Zero w/ motionEye and integrate the stream to H.A. dashboard?