Vacuum Interactive Map Card


I have the above warnings, but i don’t know what it means :

Thanks for your help.

None from them is caused by this card, so the problem must be somewhere else…

My Card doesn’t load anymore. It worked fine 10 days ago.

Received my S5 Max last week, working really great so far.

I wonder how do you all manage the amount of water when in mopping mode, as this option is available in the MiHome app?! Would like to add this option into the card.

Bumpety bump :slight_smile:

I think it uses --primary-color, but I am not sure at this moment

Would be nice if the TIMES button as placed next to the start button so one always sees it before pressing start in case somebody else using the same device has changed the number

Also, would be nice if the card stopped you from selecting zones/edit number of times while the robot is currently cleaning because that doesn’t have any effect.

Added your suggestions to TODOs.

Disabling buttons when a vacuum is running should be configurable, eg. I use a script instead of standard service, so my vacuum stops and starts a new cleanup if I change anything while cleaning.

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There is a new version of valetudo (v.0.6) out. The first thing i recognized is that the coordinates in the config.json file have now 4 digits instead of 5. So the trick with recalculating and substracting from 51200 doesn’t work any more. Anybody figured out yet how to deal with those new 4 digit coordinates for zoned cleaning?

this is what my working config looked like in ha:

  alias: vacuum livingroom
    service: xiaomi_miio.vacuum_clean_zone
      entity_id: vacuum.rocky
      repeats: 1
      zone: [[28636,21262,33102,25989]]

And this is the new format in config.json

        "id": -3,
        "name": "livingroom",
        "areas": [
        "user": true

Up this post. It is an incredible feature

This should be a feature request to HA itself


Could you help me with instalation of your card? I don’t know what is a problem, generally card was created according to you instruction but my vacuum.mirobot still does not respond to any command.

I can choise for example “Go To Target” from lovelace card and point place when robot should go but after put start there is nothing to do, only information from webpage with coordinate of that point as on below screen. PS. Not displayed information as on your gift that Command sent

I don’t know what is wrong, below I put all code from configuration card

type: 'custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card'
entity: vacuum.mirobot
map_image: /local/custom_lovelace/xiaomi_vacuum_map_card/xiaomi_map.png
debug: true
  - vacuum:
      x: 25193
      'y': 25007
      x: 45
      'y': 740
  - vacuum:
      x: 35243
      'y': 25007
      x: 1025
      'y': 760
  - vacuum:
      x: 35243
      'y': 32357
      x: 1020
      'y': 45
  - - - 25270
      - 25145
      - 28820
      - 28595

screen from HA:

PS. entity id of my vacuum is: vacuum.mirobot and I used newest version on HA 115.3

You have to remove this line from config

Thank You very much for that quick response, it’s working now !!

Could you please also help me how to create a button via card/lovelace UI to start cleanup defined room, for example bathroom?

I think this one command:

“entity_id”: “vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum”,
“zone”: [[25500, 25500, 26500, 26500]],
“repeats”: 1

type: button
name: Vacuum
show_state: false
  action: call-service
  service: xiaomi_miio.vacuum_clean_zone
    entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum
    zone: [[25500, 25500, 26500, 26500]]
    repeats: 1
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just wanted to say thank you piotr!

this is awesome! took me some time to figure out the calibration part because I didn’t get flolevac to connect but now it works like a charm (with 115.3 :P)
one Improvement I’d like to mention would be to display the coordinates when drawing a zone on the calibrated map to use in the zone data afterwards.

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You can add debug: true to make a card display coordinates instead of sending them to a vacuum.

One update concerning this card: right now I am finishing work on a custom component that will download a map from Xiaomi servers without rooting your vacuum :wink:


A first version of a custom component that downloads a live map from Xiaomi cloud (without root!) is available here:


that’s a masterpiece for sure. really appreciate your work and efforts.
however, trimming does not seem to work and scale only changes the resolution of the image. perhaps need to play around with these options more.
it would also be nice to “unrender”/hide the actual rooms layout in order to just put the path, location and sudden obstacles on top of your custom and beautiful floor plan.