Vacuum Interactive Map Card

ok , seems zone control, the drawing is now fixed ! thnx for that @3_14

one question tough, i am using now that new camera feature, on my chrome browser it looks fine
but on my mobile phone, its not scaling , the width is too big, its falling of my screen

any idea how i can resolve that ? i have scale in camera set to 1

Where do you have this issue (browser/app/system)? It works fine on my phone

i am using the HA android app

It still works fine in my caseā€¦ Can you check if it is ok in Chrome?

chrome is the same, also tried incognito be be sure
here is how it looks like :

EDIT : fixed, seems i had bad trimmings :slight_smile:

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I want to install the custom card. But instead of add it via old fashioned way (ui-lovelace.yaml) I added the ressource via Configuration -> Loveace Dashboards -> Ressources. But I canā€™t find the ā€œxiaomi_vacuum_map_cardā€ via uir Card Viewer or via add manual card:

type: ā€˜custom: xiaomi_vacuum_map_cardā€™
=> Error: Custom element not found: xiaomi_vacuum_map_card

Are you sure you used a correct URL?


the file is in config\www\custom_lovelace\xiaomi_vacuum_map_card\


Have you restarted HA after creating www folder?

Yes, I restarted HA few times. I had already created the folder a few months ago.

I changed the path to:

Now I can setup a card with the example from here Example Code.

I dont know why, but inside the card config I have to use /local/ instead of /config/www/ā€¦?

I cant add this via HACS? I am a little confused, HACS says the repository is already in the store, but I cannot find it there??

You donā€™t have to add card to HACS, it is already there in ā€œFrontendā€ section

Yeah, but it was not there for me. When I searched for it it would not show. I restarted Home Assistant and now itā€™s thereā€¦

Hi Piotr,

first of all: Your card is GREAT work!!!
second I have a question because Iā€™ve read that there were some troubles in the last days. Do this troubles are connected to my problem. When I go to the lovelace Tab for my vacuum, the dropdown list is not working properly anymore. It is only a list of the 3 available options. Clicking on them does not change anything.
When I switch to other Tabs and then back to this one, it looks as before again.
Here is how it looks like:

this problem should be solved in v1.1.12, do you have it?

I have downloaded the files manually which are linked here, I donā€™t use HACS. Is this a problem? Where can I display the Version?

This version was created 5 days ago, if you have following part in xiaomi-vacuum-map-card.js then you have a correct version:

if (typeof loadCardHelpers !== "undefined") {
    loadCardHelpers().then(helpers => {
        if (typeof helpers.importMoreInfoControl !== "undefined") {

Im very new on this with home assistant

i have installed ur card using ā€œHACSā€

installed the roborock s5 with token and can see it.

Then i used ur guide to take out the map cordinates and the different zones and put them in the card, using this code:


type: 'custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card'
entity: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum
map_image: /local/images/dammsugare/damkarta.png
language: se
  - vacuum:
      x: 17002
      'y': 28300
      x: 13
      'y': 18
  - vacuum:
      x: 17002
      'y': 17000
      x: 209
      'y': 957
  - vacuum:
      x: 17002
      'y': 17000
      x: 828
      'y': 884
  - - - 19343
      - 17156
      - 21493
      - 20856
  - - - 23003
      - 21656
      - 26553
      - 24806
  - - - 17084
      - 24887
      - 20084
      - 28137
    - - 22743
      - 25075
      - 26543
      - 28175
  - - - 20437
      - 21460
      - 21637
      - 25810
    - - 18709
      - 21027
      - 20759
      - 22427
    - - 21505
      - 17231
      - 26655
      - 21481
    - - 24831
      - 18128
      - 26531
      - 19878


i can see the map in the card, but the preedefined zones donā€™t show up when clicking zone cleaning.

And there is no reaction on the vacuum when i use goto and press start, och making my own zone to clean.

i guess that im missing something, but what? :slight_smile:

please help

Try adding debug: true and check again