Vacuum Interactive Map Card

but still no movment

Is entity id correct?

im feeling stupid right now :stuck_out_tongue:

the entity was wrong

now i can send it to different locations, but he goes wrong. probably something that is wrong with the calibration.

but i still don’t see any predefined zones on my map?

Predefined zones also need a correct calibration.
There is one mistake in your one: all x values at vacuum sections are the same

thx for ur quick respond

im getting closer

something is still wrong with the calibration, but this time i got the zones visual. but they are wrong.

This file I have. But i will try to remove it from the resources and add it again tomorrow. Maybe something is caching

Yes, it probably is a caching problem. You can clear browser’s cache or try to log in in incognito mode

Im here again :slight_smile:

tried to manually using flolevac do a calibration again 2 times, but not with any god results.

then i stumbled upon ur other app: Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor

installed it, and pulled the calibration points from there.

now the zones shows up, and it seems like they are correct, but they are 2 small on the map.

what do i do wrong?

Calibration points form camera are for use with camera, not with a different image

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How can the map be bigger? What ever number i put in scale nothing happens


now everything works

Big thx for ur quick support, and awsome work with the card

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Size of map should be changing when changing scale

It was indeed only a caching. Even on the Android App only logout and login again helped.
I tried to add the resources with a dummy-parameter. With this added it worked for the other android devices without a need to login again.
The changed Lovelace Resource Link looks now like this: /local/custom_lovelace/xiaomi_vacuum_map_card/xiaomi-vacuum-map-card.js?v=1

Thx, for your help

Yeah, got it to work after my trim parameters was adjusted.

Is it possible to use the zone data in an input_text? Just thinking I want to have some automations that run that use the same zones as the card

No, it is not possible, because it is changing only in user interface. The potential solution is to listen to service calls for vacuum, you can check it out here.

Not even doing something like this? Seems like you could allow for both an array and an entity that you convert to an array, but I’m not the expert… I don’t know javascript at all

So you want to use zones from an input_text, not to save them?

The idea is for the zone to come from an entity, whether it be input_text entity or something else

Ok, that’s doable :slight_smile:

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