Vacuum Interactive Map Card

You can check out this issue:

Is this specifically for Valetudo RE or also the original Valetudo?
And doesn’t that also rely on valetudo-mapper (which is a fork of ICantBelieveItsNotValetudo)?

I haven’t tried it with original Valetudo, so you have to check it out by yourself. Yes, it relies on valetudo-mapper, my suggestion was to check out controls section

Ah allright, thanks :slight_smile:

Hey guys! I am having a problem with this card. I am using a Xiaomi Roborock S5 Max vacuum with xiaomi-miot-auto integration on home assistant 2022.3.5 running on a raspberry pi 4 4/32gb. I generated my config using the generator on the github page. The problem is that the card is basically useless because the buttons are unresponsive. Only the map controls work. Here is the card’s config: type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-cardentity: vacuum.roborock_s5_max_a_szolga_rob - I really like the look of the card and want to use it and definitely will buy you some coffee when this error is resolved. Thank you for your time!

Welcome to the forum, Elod :wave:t3:

type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
entity: vacuum.roborock_s5_max_a_szolga_robot_cleaner
  camera: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
  camera: true
  - template: vacuum_goto
  - template: vacuum_clean_zone
  - template: vacuum_clean_segment
      - id: 20
          text: ElƑszoba
          x: 24925
          'y': 22825
          offset_y: 35
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 24925
          'y': 22825
      - id: 24
          text: Imola
          x: 21825
          'y': 22025
          offset_y: 35
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 21825
          'y': 22025
      - id: 18
          text: ElƑd
          x: 28350
          'y': 21350
          offset_y: 35
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 28350
          'y': 21350
      - id: 21
          text: Konyha
          x: 28325
          'y': 24500
          offset_y: 35
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 28325
          'y': 24500
      - id: 25
          text: Nappali
          x: 28525
          'y': 26575
          offset_y: 35
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 28525
          'y': 26575
      - id: 16
          text: Anya Ă©s Apa
          x: 21675
          'y': 26950
          offset_y: 35
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 21675
          'y': 26950
      - id: 17
          text: FĂŒrdƑszoba
          x: 24975
          'y': 27300
          offset_y: 35
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 24975
          'y': 27300
      - id: 19
          text: Kamra
          x: 28000
          'y': 28550
          offset_y: 35
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 28000
          'y': 28550
      - id: 22
          text: Budi
          x: 30475
          'y': 28775
          offset_y: 35
          name: mdi:broom
          x: 30475
          'y': 28775

If using id’s where did you put the Outline data to?

Compare your config closely with the demo config. Note in particular lines 33 to 67.

1 Like

@Elod044, the problem is that xiaomi-miot-auto integration is not supported out of the box, because it uses different service calls for different models.

To make it work you have 2 solutions:

  1. Switch to built-in miio integration (it supports your model)
  2. Configure card manually to make it work with xiaomi-miot-auto (guide: issue #251)

@Tamsy template vacuum_clean_segment uses outlines just for rendering, cleaning is done by id, so it’s perfectly fine to skip outline in config


Thank you for the fast reply! It worked like a charm with the built in xiaomi miio!

This is a great card and thank you for the excellent work done on it, however I need assistance if anybody can please assist. I search this entire forum and did not see the same issue. Basically it does not work for me as any selection I make, I get “Failed to call service vacuum_clean_segment. Service not found.” the same goes for “vacuum_goto” and vacuum_clean_zone", however, the middle buttons, start, stop, pause, return to charge, locate all work well.

I have the STYTJ02YM and using the vacuum_platform: KrzysztofHajdamowicz/miio2.

Let me know if you like me to send my config.

Also, does anyone know how to reset the “side brush left” and the “filter left” as mine have reached 0h and have changed them but need t reset.

@Sunil which integration do you use to control your vacuum?

Resetting sensors

Hi. Please tell me, does it work as a mijia 1c vacuum cleaner? The vacuum_clean_zone function does not work for me. Ref to a demonstration of the problem.

Do you use map extractor from dev branch?

@3_14 dreame_support branch.

Ok, mija 1c is a dreame. dreame_support is not finished yet, so do not expect it to fully work

@3_14 thx :relieved: :+1:

Thank you for the quick response. I am using the Xiaomi Viomi Vacuum integration, and so far seems to be the best.

I tried the GitHub - nqkdev/home-assistant-vacuum-styj02ym and the Xiaomi Miio - Home Assistant and both I get the same errors in the log.

Thank you for the link on resetting sensors. :pray:

I also tried the reset script as per the link you sent, also does not work. Th log error is: “Unable to send command to the vacuum: No response from the device”

Could you provide a link, the name doesn’t say much just by itself

This is the only integration that gives me all the sensors (brush, filter, etc.), all be it as attributes.

I’ve been struggling for 2 weeks now, can’t seem to be able to make the card to work