Vacuum Interactive Map Card

Water level:

What do you mean?

Icons are not appearing in HomeAssistant, even though on Xiaomi app they are present.
What setting I need to do to show the icons(water drop and rooms)?

This card is not identical to Xiaomi Home.

Yes, I see that, but can mop be added to your custom card?

As far as I know changing fan mode to mopping and starting room cleaning should be enough

Any updates on wyze robot vacuum support being added?

I have a lot of other projects to work on, but I plan to add it as soon as possible

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Sweet! Was just checking, thanks.

Any idea about this problem? (popup menu rendered way too high - scorlling up page automatically)

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Have anyone succeded in modifying by splitting the map and controls for a better horizontal view? (The card is slightly bigger than my mounted tablet and forces scrolling).
Or are there perhaps plans for an optional card in the far future? :slight_smile:

i finely got the card to work, but i just wonder if any one can point to the right way.
I want to bulid a garage for Doris so i will need, that when it start is going straght out. how can i do that?

How do you want it to work?

  1. Keep it open while vacuum is operating
  2. Close it after vacuum leaves the garage

I have a vacuum for Alfred as well :wink:


I know its your fault I need oneā€‹:joy::laughing:

I ide is to the the statue from it, so open when going out, close the the door. Then open when done, and need charging. And close when is in the dock.

Which model do you have?


I have more stuff I need to change, on tha map, but thatā€™s a other days projectšŸ„°

Ok, so you have to adjust some things in cardā€™s config to make it work with your garage:

  1. Create a card with default config
  2. Click ā€œGenerate static configā€ button in editor
  3. Remove map_modes and tiles sections of generated config
  4. Adjust appropriate icons with new service calls, for example:
    • vacuum.start ā†’ script.vacuum_start
    • vacuum.return ā†’ script.vacuum_return_to_base
    • ā€¦
  5. Adjust service call schemas in map_modes sections:
      - template: vacuum_clean_segment
          service: script.vacuum_send_command
            command: app_segment_clean
            params: "[[selection]]"
            entity_id: "[[entity_id]]"
      - template: vacuum_clean_zone
          service: script.vacuum_send_command
            command: app_zoned_clean
            params: "[[selection]]"
            entity_id: "[[entity_id]]"
      - template: vacuum_clean_zone_predefined
          service: script.vacuum_send_command
            command: app_zoned_clean
            params: "[[selection]]"
            entity_id: "[[entity_id]]"
      - template: vacuum_goto
          service: script.vacuum_send_command
            command: app_goto_target
            params: "[[selection]]"
            entity_id: "[[entity_id]]"
      - template: vacuum_goto_predefined
          service: script.vacuum_send_command
            command: app_goto_target
            params: "[[selection]]"
            entity_id: "[[entity_id]]"

Here you have some scripts that I used. You can find script.vacuum_send_command below:

  mode: parallel
  alias: vacuum_send_command
      description: entity_id
      description: command
      description: params
    - service: script.vacuum_leave_garage
    - service: vacuum.stop
        entity_id: "{{ entity_id }}"
    - service: vacuum.send_command
        entity_id: "{{ entity_id }}"
        command: "{{ command }}"
        params: "{{ params }}"

thanks, i am trying to solve this,

  1. Did a new config card,
  2. Remove the map_modes and tiles.
    4 this one i dont understand, i have been looking over the code for ā€œappropriate iconsā€ but havent find it.

Thereā€™s no ā€œappropriate iconsā€ section in code, you just have to adjust service call for every icon that it makes sense to do it: for example you should replace service call for vacuum.start icon, because you want vacuum to exit the garage before starting go clean.

Please paste your code in a proper way