Vacuum Interactive Map Card

It would’ve helped if you have included your config. Also, what do you mean by “slow”?

can I change the background color of the map?

In Map Extractor: colors configuration, color_map_outside

Hi all,

I’m doing my card and my Selector bar is not frozen on the screen, that means, depensing on device it goes to a place away from the card.

could I froze this selection Bar ? how ?

- Computer
- Smartphone

Thanks :slight_smile:

It is fixed in the latest beta version

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Thanks :pray: I’ll see how install the beta version.

My sellection bottom is not available

Thanks again

Sorry ask all in once but I have another question,

Is possible add multi levels on this card ?

Update: It’s apparently known bug due to Xiaomi recent restrictions on API: Reddit - Dive into anything

Hey. Thanks for this, absolutely awesome!

It has been working totally fine, but today I suddenly got:

and my config simply:

  - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    name: roborock_map
    scan_interval: 20
      rotate: 180
    host: !secret xiaomi_vacuum_host
    token: !secret xiaomi_vacuum_token
    username: !secret xiaomi_cloud_username
    password: !secret xiaomi_cloud_password
    draw: ['all']
      - calibration_points

any ideas anyone?

You can add configs for multiple levels, but map extractor can show only one map at a time. More info here

Card shows calibration issues because it reads calibration from the map camera. No image means no calibration :smiley:

Eh, OK? :smiley: I somehow still don’t know what that means. I found out that more people are struggling with it (see my update at the beginning of the message), and thought it’s because Xioami changed API. Are you saying it’s something with my config?

Noooo, it’s a problem with Map Extractor (one mentioned on Reddit). It calculates calibration points from the map image, but it’s not possible when there’s no image. The error message might be a little bit confusing, but it reflects card’s internal logic.

To fix this problem you can import blueprint that reduces API usage, more info here.

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Hi everyone.
I need an automation that after cleaning 300sqm makes a statement that the dust bin must be emptied. Has anyone ever built this?

With the magic search function absolutely no problem :slight_smile:


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When I touch the map modes, My HA Lovelace jumps back to the top and the map modes float above other buttons on my Lovelace dashboard. Anybody else experiencing this and how can I fix this?

Install the latest beta version

Ok. I will try that/
I’m switchting to the HACS Roborock integrations, since I just switched from the Xiaomi to the Roborock app. Will this integration still work? I can’t seem to get a map image using the cloud map extractor, since that only works for the Xiaomi app…Or am I wrong?
EDIT: seems to be working fine without the map extractor, thanks!
Can’t seem to get the map rotated though, how can I do that?
It uses the map from the roborock integration.

I’m not sure this is possible, you have to ask in the repo of the Roborock integration

THX,… i searched but cant find the right answer.

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So you’re saying you have the interactive map working with the Roborock integration? For me the interactive map only works when using the Xiaomi Integration/App. Any steps you did to achieve this?