Vacuum Widget

Sorry I meant widget dimensions in the head of the xxx.dash file

I’ll have a look at your code … thanks so far

unless you created some kind of app to change your dashboard, there is no way that the widget dimensions change without you doing it yourself.

there is really nothing that can change settings in a dashboard you made yourself.

I’ll observe … I just figured out how to add weatheap. Iframe responded with 500 I created a generic camera in Hass and used cam widget …looks good

Hey… I just got home and foscam dashboard was changed again…

widget_dimensions: [100, 98]

has been schanged and I dunno why… the dimensions changed… is that due to your app? can i deactivate this somehow?

Normally it should be possible to have dofferent dimensions gor each dashboard right?. That’s really odd… but it changs the dimension itself after i dunno… after I changed or added a dashboard i guess

duh, i didnt expect you to talk about foscam in this topic.
yeah the dashboard from the foscam is generated everytime you restart appdaemon.
unless you set this:

    create_dashboard: True                 # creates a dashboard in your dashboard directory on initialize from the app

to False :wink:

ok … was guessing this ) i’ll try and report

Some information dissappeared from my widget and the state doesn’t change, always in charging state. In the past it worked well. I have tried reapply all of your shared file but the result is same. I don’t know what is the problem, maybe the last firmware upgrade or the new version of HA causes this strange problem.


In my Lovelace the charging state is appeared.

Could you give me any advice to find the reason of this problem?

The values you see are “dummy” values hardcoded int the widget which are owerwritten with the actual values from you vacuum entity. If you see the “dummy” values, the entity is not available on HADasboard, or there might be some other problem. I am on version 0.85.1, and it’s working for me.

Can you post the attributes for the vacuum cleaner entity from the states page in Home Assistant?

battery_level: 80
battery_icon: mdi:battery-charging-80
fan_speed: Balanced
fan_speed_list: Quiet,Balanced,Turbo,Max
do_not_disturb: on
do_not_disturb_start: 22:00:00
do_not_disturb_end: 08:00:00
cleaning_time: 57
cleaned_area: 51
cleaning_count: 33
total_cleaned_area: 630
total_cleaning_time: 731
main_brush_left: 287
side_brush_left: 187
filter_left: 137
sensor_dirty_left: 17
status: Charging
clean_start: 2018-12-28T12:45:26
clean_stop: 2018-12-28T13:44:09
friendly_name: Xiaomi Vacuum cleaner
supported_features: 14204

Also, the attributes read from the vacuum entity is logged to the javascript console when the widget is loaded, so please check what you get in the javascript console. Press F12 in the browser to open the console.

There are my attributes:


do not disturb


do not disturb start


do not disturb end


cleaning time


cleaned area


cleaning count


total cleaned area


total cleaning time


main brush left


side brush left


filter left


sensor dirty left


clean start


clean stop



Dust collector missing

vacuum/locate szolgáltatás meghívva.

Sorry, I don’t know how can I make a list that looks like as your format :slight_smile:

Just click the </> button in the editor and paste the text. I think it might be an issue that your vacuum has an error state and the widget might not handle this. I’ll have a look at it. Is everything else in HADashboard working fine?

Yes, the dashboard is working fine and the problem existed before the error state. The error state is caused by the missing dustbin because I washed out it.
I try to reinstall the appdaemon now.

Did you get any error is the javascript console?

Just polling error because of MiTemp sensor (as usually) and nothing under the system log.

The reinstallation solved the problem, everything is fine now.

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tjntomas could you add the mop fan mode to the card, please?

I don’t think there is a service available to set the mop mode yet through Home Assistant. I only get the following fan options from the attributes:

["Quiet", "Balanced", "Turbo", "Max"]

The widget is updated in the repo now and an additional mop image is added in the custom_css/img folder and need to be copied apart from the files in the basevacuum folder. Try it out and see if it works.

It apears that the API returns different values depending on the firmware version so the library that Home Assistant is using to talk to the API need to add some logic to handle this and then some changes need to be made to the Home Assistant component to handle the changes in the library.

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Thank you! I’ll try it and make afeedback about it.