Vaillant/MultiMATIC integration

Yes - thanks - it works. It seems the table listing the modes on Github is missing the entry though.

I love this integration and using it for some time now.

Since a few days I recognized that some values are not updated anymore. Especially “Vorlauftemperaturfühler” sticks to 27°C in my case and the Energy values are also not updated.
It is the same in the MultiMatic App where it states “synchronizing” all the time on “Vorlauftemperaturfühler” and the last Energy values are from 10.01.2021.

Do you have the same experience or is this an inidividual issue on my site?

You can try using multimatic.request_hvac_update service.
You can also check in your mobile app: settings-> global settings. In that page, there are 2 date times, the first one is from your mobile phone and the second one is coming from the VRC700. Sometimes, mine is stuck somewhere in the past

I think that it is problem of server Vaillant… It works very very bad… and i probably lost Vaillant Gateway and go to adapter ebus 3. It read all value which share controller Multimatic.,

Date Times are equal, called the service but no success.
I also believe it has something to do with the server. My local values in my VRC700 seems to be fine and changing in regards to “Vorlauftemperatur”.

Does anyone uses a custom fan card to set/change the Ventilation Speed during daytime?

Hi guys,

Sorry if I missed something, but is this thread still going about the connection compatible with the multiMATIC application and still NOT with the senoAPP, as mentioned in the first post?

I have a VWL 35/6 heat pump with VR921 and want to connect to my HA but cannot find a good solution. A link between the heat pump and HA using the VR921 would be the best way, I guess.

Any help would be appreciated.


this is still the case, multimatic integration is NOT (fully) compatible with sensoAPP.

But you can still try the integration. I know some people cannot get outdoor temperature or sometimes zones, etc. For sure, it won’t be fully compatible, but you can still have some information out of the integration.

Support for sensoAPP is not foreseen, because I don’t have any way to test it and also because myVaillant should come soon. By the way, I’m still open to include sensoAPP support if somebody comes with a PR :slight_smile:

Well Thomas,

After nearly 3 years since we spoke about this before, I have finally come around to looking at HA as a replacement for my Control4 system (at least for some aspects) and was looking at integrations that are currently available.

Seems that I came here all that time ago when I was going to reverse engineer the API as you had already started to do so.

Well, I’m only here to say thanks, as you obviously carried on your hard work and I have just installed your custom component on a testing setup of HA and it connected to my VR920 and produced boiler data without any fuss at all!

Thanks and best wishes.

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Hi Guys,

I’m doing something wrong but I’m unable to add vaillant-component into my repository. Can somebody of you provide me a link to repository, pls?

OK, I’ve added multimatic repository via HACS, but have no way how to install multimatic integration. Can you guide me how to do it, pls? I can see list of comunity “apps” but there is no multimatic or vaillant

I think I managed this today. Once you add multimatic in your HACS, go to your normal integrations where it should now be available and add it there too. Hope this works for you

@tgermain Hi thank you for this integration, it works fine with my system, however the consumption and yield data are only visible for entire lifetime of the system, any way to take this down to hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/yearly etc? Thank you

Nothing there yet. So maybe wait for update?

OK, after next update it appeared and works fine. Thanks

Hi! Thanks for your work on providing this integration!

I’m getting a new Vaillant soon, and I’m weighing whether I should take the VRC700 or VRC720. The former is compatible with your integration, but the latter looks more slick but is only semi-compatible with your integration if I understand your message.

What do you mean with “if somebody comes with a PR” to look into SensoApp support?

I see myVaillant is available in the Play store now. Does your message imply you are looking into providing support for that?

Thanks again.

A big THANK YOU for this integration!

It works very well in nearly all cases. Just one thing seems to be wrong.

The heating phase for hot water is displayed wrong. It’s logged in GMT and not in CEST in my case.

In this picture you could see, that the violett line is 2 hours late:

Heating started at 11:10 until 12:00.

The Android multiMatic app shows everything in the right way.

I already restarted HA multiple times.

Also the circulation is 2 hours late. It runs until 22:30.
HA shows 00:30:

Anyone else having issues with 2022.4?

I keep getting this:
Error adding entities for domain binary_sensor with platform multimatic
Error adding entities for domain sensor with platform multimatic
ValueError: entity_category must be a valid EntityCategory instance

Is there a way to support the project? I didn’t find a buymeacoffee link :slight_smile:

Yes, i have problems with 2022.4. Not solved with 2022.4.1

Errors in short are:

Error adding entities for domain sensor with platform multimatic
10:35:07 – (ERROR) Sensor - message first occurred at 10:35:06 and shows up 2 times
Error adding entities for domain binary_sensor with platform multimatic
10:34:45 – (ERROR) Binary Sensor - message first occurred at 10:34:45 and shows up 2 times
Unable to prepare setup for platform Platform not found (cannot import name 'ATTR_SPEED' from '' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/fan/
10:34:45 – (ERROR)


Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: helpers/
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:35:06 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:35:07

Error adding entities for domain sensor with platform multimatic
Error while setting up multimatic platform for sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 382, in async_add_entities
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 510, in _async_add_entity
    entry = entity_registry.async_get_or_create(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 345, in async_get_or_create
    return self.async_update_entity(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 529, in async_update_entity
    raise ValueError("entity_category must be a valid EntityCategory instance")
ValueError: entity_category must be a valid EntityCategory instance
Logger: homeassistant.components.binary_sensor
Source: helpers/
Integration: Binary Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:34:45 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:34:45

Error adding entities for domain binary_sensor with platform multimatic
Error while setting up multimatic platform for binary_sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 382, in async_add_entities
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 510, in _async_add_entity
    entry = entity_registry.async_get_or_create(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 345, in async_get_or_create
    return self.async_update_entity(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 529, in async_update_entity
    raise ValueError("entity_category must be a valid EntityCategory instance")
ValueError: entity_category must be a valid EntityCategory instance
Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 10:34:45 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:34:45

Unable to prepare setup for platform Platform not found (cannot import name 'ATTR_SPEED' from '' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/fan/

A few parts are working.


There is an update for multimatic to 1.12.4

It works now.

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