It shows a Temperature of 5° Celcius and let me configure temperature which doesnt make sense. So not sure if the card is more generic and needs customisation or if its the sensor not providing the correct information.
for the simplate thermostate is it default implementatio in HACS as i am somehwat confused with the install instructions.
Edit1: by the way, the electricity sensor for DHW and Heater are providing the same values. Is that because DMH is part of the Heater Consumtion?
Fan only is actually ventilation boost, the doc is:
This advanced function switches the zone off for 30 minutes.
The frost protection function is activated, and hot water generation and circulation remain active.
Ventilation is activated and works at the highest ventilation
The advanced function is automatically deactivated after 30
minutes or if you cancel the advanced function early. The
@tgermain in regards to energie consumption, the values a completely off by factor 10
i have different values for DHW and Heater as well as only 0,7Kw/h - 1,2KW/h wheras the Sensor provides 15Kw/h. Any idea on how to test the sensor? I saw you can somehow create a API Request. Would you be able to help me and see what the return values are when directly using API Request for both sensors.
Edit1: Also any idea how i can implement ventilation boost inside a FAN Card!? I dont really need the whole thermostat card
Well strange thing is you have values in kWh, I had several beta testers and all had value in Wh. Sensors in HA are providing the overall total since your installation is online (so you can include them in your energy dashboard). Maybe there is a round somehow at API level ?
It would be nice indeed the see what’s the raw API response, could you create an issue in github? I will guide you on how to get these raw data.
Regarding the fan, don’t you have a ventilation entity ? Actually this part is almost not tested at all, I never found somebody with fan in their installation
I don’t know if you can have a card, but you can create a button for sure, this button can call a service (either multimatic.set_quick_mode/multimatic.remove_quick_mode or climate.set_hvac_mode)
@PX80 it works well with other energy unit (as well as Wh, MWh, etc). I have devices that report in Wh HA does the conversion to kWh in its own.
@pepeEL it’s not about the VRC, it’s about what is available from the API… Starting with 1.8.x version and if you have compatible devices, you should have some entity reporting the total consumption (like DHW, central heating, cooling, etc)
I meant version of the integration.
By compatible devices, I meant devices that are able to report consumption to the API. Only compatible devices I saw during tests were heat pumps, so I don’t think yours is compatible
the HA Integration will present the same futures as the Mobile App. If you want more out of your system you will need to look into EEBUS
Ok but when i use EEBUS adapter how then i can integrate it with HA ? ANd it read from my Vaillant VRC700 this info about power consuption and gas consumption which is not present by API in app mobile ?
@tgermain thx for the 1.0.10 release. i’m eager to learn more about statisics. Especially to monitor the heatpump temp&time to be able to see that it properly configured. eg. heats for 20-30min with a water temp of 30-32°C
Will the statistics be visible straight in the default config after adding recorder and statistic i the configuration?
purge_keep_days: 7
commit_interval: 1800 ( due to SD Card Usage on pi, will this invalidate my datapoints? )
From the stats doc (maybe you have to wait until the recorder is filled in ?)
If the recorder integration is not running, it can take time for the sensor to start reporting data because some attribute calculations require more than one value.