Valetudo RE Mapper Addon


This is the adaption of valetudo-mapper as a Supervisor addon. This addon is the companion for a popular fork of the Valetudo robot vacuum software.

Addon Stage Supports aarch64 Architecture Supports amd64 Architecture Supports armhf Architecture Supports armv7 Architecture Supports i386 Architecture

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To the Addon: GitHub - Poeschl-HomeAssistant-Addons/valetudo-mapper: This is a simple companion service for Valetudo RE which generates the map pngs.

If issues occur please use the GitHub issue board, since I’m only on the community forum from time to time.

This post does not contain instructions on what to do and how to do it. I will fill in this gap. So. The procedure for installing the Valetudo REMapper addon

  1. You need to add an extension to the repository. We insert this link

  2. After you have added it, two addons should appear in the store Valetudo Mapper and ICantBelieveItsNotValetudo. They are designed for two different Valetudo

ICantBelieveItsNotValetudo from Valetudo without RE от Hypfer
Valetudo Mapper for Valetudo RE from rand256

  1. In the addon settings, we specify the address of the mqtt broker and topics like valetudo, this can be viewed in the valetudo settings, in the MQTT section
  drawPath: true
  drawCharger: true
  drawRobot: true
  drawCurrentlyCleanedZones: false
  drawCurrentlyCleanedBlocks: false
  drawForbiddenZones: true
  drawVirtualWalls: true
  scale: 4
  gradientBackground: true
  autoCrop: 20
mapColors: {}
  identifier: rockrobo
  topicPrefix: homeassistant
  autoconfPrefix: homeassistant
  broker_url: mqtt://login:[email protected]:4274
  caPath: ''
  mapDataTopic: homeassistant/rockrobo/map_data
  minMillisecondsBetweenMapUpdates: 10000
  publishMapImage: true
  publishMapData: true
  1. Open the MQTT integration and find your vacuum cleaner. The camera map should appear in it

  2. We send the vacuum cleaner to do the cleaning so that the map appears

  3. In lovelace, you can output such a map + camera map. Do it through user integration Vacuum Card

type: custom:vacuum-card
entity: vacuum.rockrobo
compact_view: false
show_name: true
show_status: true
show_toolbar: false
    - attribute: filter
      unit: hours
      subtitle: Dust filter
    - attribute: sideBrush
      unit: hours
      subtitle: Side brush
    - attribute: mainBrush
      unit: hours
      subtitle: Main Brush
    - attribute: sensor
      unit: hours
      subtitle: Cleaning the sensors
map: camera.rockrobo_map
Текст на русском (Text in Russian)

В этом посте нет инструкции что и как нужно делать. Я заполню этот пробел. Итак. Порядок действии установки аддона Valetudo RE Mapper

  1. Нужно добавить в репозитории дополнение. Вставляем эту ссылку

  2. После того как добавили, в магазине должны появиться два аддона Valetudo Mapper и ICantBelieveItsNotValetudo. Они предназначены для двух разных Valetudo

ICantBelieveItsNotValetudo для Valetudo без RE от Hypfer
Valetudo Mapper для Valetudo RE от rand256

  1. В настройках аддона указываем адрес mqtt брокера и топики как у valetudo, это можно посмотреть в настройках valetudo, в разделе MQTT
  drawPath: true
  drawCharger: true
  drawRobot: true
  drawCurrentlyCleanedZones: false
  drawCurrentlyCleanedBlocks: false
  drawForbiddenZones: true
  drawVirtualWalls: true
  scale: 4
  gradientBackground: true
  autoCrop: 20
mapColors: {}
  identifier: rockrobo
  topicPrefix: homeassistant
  autoconfPrefix: homeassistant
  broker_url: mqtt://login:[email protected]:4274
  caPath: ''
  mapDataTopic: homeassistant/rockrobo/map_data
  minMillisecondsBetweenMapUpdates: 10000
  publishMapImage: true
  publishMapData: true
  1. Открываем интеграцию MQTT и находим свой пылесос. В нем должна появиться карта камера

  2. Отправляем пылесос делать уборку, чтобы появилась карта

  3. В lovelace можно вывести такую карту + камеру карта. Делать через пользовательскую интеграцию Vacuum Card

type: custom:vacuum-card
entity: vacuum.rockrobo
compact_view: false
show_name: true
show_status: true
show_toolbar: false
    - attribute: filter
      unit: часов
      subtitle: Пылефильтр
    - attribute: sideBrush
      unit: часов
      subtitle: Боковая щетка
    - attribute: mainBrush
      unit: часов
      subtitle: Главная щетка
    - attribute: sensor
      unit: часов
      subtitle: Чистка сенсоров
map: camera.rockrobo_map
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