Xiaomi Vacuum with Valetudo RE: How to MAP, Zoned Cleaning and Notifications with Home Assistant?

Is it possible to queue multiple spots so the vacuum goes a specific route?

Opened a new topics for new HA and new Valetudo Version
Valetudo 2021.03.0 Roborock S50 working Zone Clean Up on HA core-2021.3.4

You can make it much easier. Output the Valetudo web interface itself and you do not need to output the map. Create the “Vacuum Cleaner” panel in the “Lovelace Panel”, then go to the created “Vacuum Cleaner” panel and create a web interface. Specify the IP address of the vacuum cleaner and select

type: iframe
aspect_ratio: 100%

Next, select " Panel (one card for the entire screen)"

As a result, we will display the valetudo control on the entire screen in a separate tab

Текст на русском (Text in Russian)

Можно сделать куда проще. Вывести сам веб интерфейс Valetudo и не нужно выводить карту. Создаем в “Панели Lovelace” панель “Пылесос”, далее переходим в созданную панель “Пылесос” и создаем веб-интерфейс. Указываем IP адрес пылесоса и выбираем

type: iframe
aspect_ratio: 100%

Далее выбираем “Панель (одна карточка на весь экран)”

В итоге мы выведем управление valetudo на весь экран в отдельную вкладку


This is for 3 selected zones; just select the order in which you would like the rooms cleaned. You could also add more zones by adding to the code.

So here it cleans the Bathroom 1st which is 2 segments (lower left), Meals 2nd (middle) and the Entry 3rd (top right), the Bot then returns for charging after completion. Just an example to play with.

type: button
  action: call-service
  service: mqtt.publish
    topic: valetudo/rockrobo/custom_command
    payload: >-
      { "command": "zoned_cleanup", "zone_ids": [    "Bathroom",    {        
      "id": "bathroom",         "repeats": 1    },    "Meals2",    {        
      "id": "meals2",         "repeats": 1    },    "Entry",    {         "id":
      "entry",         "repeats": 1    } ], "afterCleaning": "Base" }
  target: {}
show_state: true
icon: mdi:bullseye-arrow
name: Clean 3 Selected Zones

Hope it helps you :crossed_fingers:

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OMG! after hours and hours spent on searching how to integrate nicely my Valetudo RE into HA, your post felt like THE answer to me, literally! It’s the best and most useful way to do it IMHO, so many thanks!

However, I had some more confs to do to make it work so I’ll do my part and share it here in case others encounter the same problems:

  1. First, I couldn’t “just” type my vacuum URL for the iFrame, because it would be http whereas my Home Assistant was in HTTPS (and that was not permitted by Home Assistant). So I had to add a proxy entry via Nginx to proxy_pass via https to the robot’s URL, not that difficult
  2. BUT! by default Firefox wouldn’t let HomeAssistant display such iFrame, for security reason (it can be risky but here we know what we’re doing, so there are 2 headers to add to nginx to let it pass:
add_header X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM <<YOUR_HA_HOSTNAME.TLD>>";
add_header Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors <<YOUR_HA_HOSTNAME.TLD>>";
  1. It works! the iFrame is displayed… but the buttons doesn’t work and it seems to have some problems loading the data, F12 and Firefox Console logs that it cannot load wss://… so we need to add some more headers to allow webservices traffic, and now, it works purrrfectly! :smiley:

Here is my nginx proxy (location) :

location / {
                proxy_read_timeout 300;
                proxy_connect_timeout 300;

                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
                proxy_set_header Host $host;

                add_header X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM <<YOUR_HA_HOSTNAME.TLD>>";
                add_header Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors <<YOUR_HA_HOSTNAME.TLD>>";

                proxy_pass http://<<VACUUM_IP>>;

Now that it works, I may have some tiny related question:

  1. I have the Roborock 1st gen, and it is not possible to persist data, which means that each time the vacuum is launched, the map is resetted from scratch. If I stop before the end orsend it just for a spot cleaning, the map is then not completed which is not very nice… isn’t there any way to persist or force somehow these values?
  2. Would it be possible through the Valetudo RE webapp iframed here to include some background image of the house (topview)?

Many thanks :slight_smile:

Valetudo firmware has the ability to save the card, as well as quickly restore it. First, turn on the multicard mode. This mode is located: Settings => Web Interface => Multi-map mode enable. After you turn on the multicard mode, the “Save” and “Upload” lines will appear on the main page. Next, to build a map, run the vacuum cleaner and save the map. If the map is often lost, then enable the option to load the map automatically when returning to the base. There is an auto-upload of the map in the settings, then system parameters and enable auto-upload of the map

You can also look at the Valetudo RE Mapper addon

Indeed! thanks! it seems to work perfectly like that, awesome! :smiley:

Hi everyone. I’m have problem with access to http web interface Valetudo in my HA server over https. I use NGNIX proxy manager add-on for access to HA from outside from my local net. And I’m don’t known right settings for “Location” in this add-on. Please, help me somebody…


I just installed Valeduto RE on my xiaomi vaccum. It workds flawless. mqtt ok.

Now, i want to display the card.

So I installed “Valetudo Vaccum camera” integration. It created “camera.aspiration_camera” entity.

Now, this is th card i want !

type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
entity: vacuum.aspirateur
vacuum_platform: rand256/ValetudoRE
  camera: camera.aspirateur_camera
  camera: true
  topic: valetudo/rockrobo
title: Carte aspiration

But, no map displayed, and the error messsage : “error calibration, check your configuration”.

No idea ? I forget a step ?

Hello @Auden,
did you install the Veletudo Vacuum Camera?
till now I did work only with the Hypfer valetudo… can you let me know the version of the camera you are using please? eventually, can you check when in the drop down from the card there is your camera.aspirateur_camera and double check on the integration what is the camera entity created? I would work on it… if this is the camera you are using… you can open an issue or a discussion to include your vacuum. If you enable the debug of the integration it should collect additional data (if you use the last version of the camera there is zip file on the www folder) on this folder there should be also png snapshot_aspirateur.png that should tell you if the image was correctly decoded.

Yes, i installed Valetudo Vacuum camera, but the camera is empty

In Valetudo Vaccum Camera log :
“2023-09-30 22:43:16.718 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.valetudo_vacuum_camera.camera] Camera Starting up…” It’s the only info i’ve…

I’m lost :frowning:

I see… the camera is normally decoding the data from the PNG that comes the Vacuum, it looks the ValetudoRe isn’t providing the topic… (valetudo/robotname/MapData/map-data-hass) but (valetudo/robotname/MapData/map). The integration decode the png data that comes with the Hypfer firmware are in the first topic… I do not see also the other controls of the robot or status of battery, and so on… on the device. actually I think there is also a map_data_parsed topic… I think it is possible to add the ValetudoRe to the supported vacuums… It would require some small adjustment (there is already the code to get this data out)… I will release a new version later today @Auden would you please transfer this discussion on the github site? If you have MQTT Explorer I think you can confirm there is a PNG on the valetudo/robotname/map topic… this would be really helping me to fix this and really appreciated so that also ValetudoRe firmware is supported from the integration. Thanks a lot for the confirmation in advance…

@Auden can’t warranty it will work, as stated before the integration was developed for Hypfer firmware anyhow when the data on the PNG includes also the json file as per in original one… the camera now should get the correct topic to get the image data. V1.4.4 is released :wink:

by the way if it shouldn’t work and you are using ValetudoRE https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card/blob/master/docs/templates/rand256ValetudoRe.md


I’ll will post tomorrow on github… my first one there…

My mqtt explorer :


I’ just updated to v1.4.4… same problem :frowning:


I think that you should read the instructions from Piotr [here](https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card/blob/14bc2aa8b99f89a12a8ffb14c6a948f964e6c032/docs/templates/rand256ValetudoRe.md 1) if you want to get the images immediately. I would need you copy the map_data and please do not open an issue, but a discussion. We will try to get the Valetudo Re firmware vacuums compatible with the integration, as I wrote it works with the camera works with vacuums working Hypfer firmware at the moment.

Thanks a lot for raising up your request, we will do as as much it is possible to fit this vacuums too :wink:


Should I create a discussion on “valetudo Vaccum camera” github or on “lovelace-xiaomi-vaccum-map-card” github


Please use this conversation ValetudoRE and fix snapshot.zip · sca075/valetudo_vacuum_camera · Discussion #37 · GitHub
That is the right place for it… We look forward also to anyone could share data… hopefully we can get this platform working with both firmwares…

@Auden Valetudo Vacuum Camera is now fully supporting the Valetudo Re firmwares. The camera can be easily setup from v1.4.8 currently available.

I confirm… works perfectly with Rand256 Thanks a lot :slight_smile: