Vehicle Status Custom Card

@VietNgoc have you ever considered to create a separate gallery card based on code you used for displaying images? There are several options allowing to display images, but none offer so cool transitions as your card, not saying that most requires some tweaking to get series of images displayed… To be honest, I used in one of my dashboard vehicle card stripped down from all cardrelated information just to display images :+1:

Hi @mirekmal , I use something similar for the movie library, where there is a slideshow for newly added movies. If there is interest, I can certainly create a card for gallery with the possibility of uploading images and swipe customization. :+1:

2024-10-20 14.54.00

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@lcanod New color template option added for button icons in latest release :love_you_gesture:


New Features :tada:

Now you can easily create and customize cards directly through the Editor UI, enhancing the user experience by providing a more intuitive interface for card configuration. This feature simplifies the process of card creation, making it accessible without requiring manual code changes.

New color template feature for button icons, allowing for even more customization options. You can now define custom colors for button icons, improving the visual consistency and flexibility of your vehicle status cards.

If you enjoy these new features, consider giving the repo a :star: to show your support! :rocket:

2024-10-20 17 51 35

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.2.0...v1.3.0 · ngocjohn/vehicle-status-card · GitHub

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Not sure about others, but I’d love to have such card in my toolset!

Hi to all, I’m not sure why but without any reason I lost vehicle custom card. I had Eco display graph when I was click that button, but now all that is saying is that custom card provided. And that’s the same for all other buttons. Any solution for this?

Hi @dcigir, this is the vehicle status card for the threads, for mb please use to mb component thread next time :sweat_smile: This card has different configurations. Back to your question, do you have the custom card option unchecked? You will have a default card, for the eco card, so the chart will be back

Thanks that worked. I don’t know why was this changed in the first place. :slight_smile:

That’s great


@VietNgoc Is there a thread for the MB Vehicle Info Custom Card ? Coz i have some questions.

Hi @HarryBoo, vehicle info doesn’t have its own thread, but it’s linked to the component thread. If you have any questions, you can send me a message, or feel free to create an issue on the repo :+1: :wink:


I am having difficulties accommodating the entities that my BMW provides.

  1. It outputs the status of individual doors or locks as attributes of higher-level entities (entity: “binary_sensor.bmw530d_lids”, whose attributes: “leftFront: CLOSED”, “leftRear: CLOSED”, “rightFront: CLOSED” etc.), but I cannot output attributes in a group of indicators. Or have I overlooked something?
  2. The BMW offers button entities that trigger immediate actions (“button.bmw530d_activate_air_conditioning”). Here, too, I have not succeeded in assigning this to the buttons on the button cards of this card.
    Regards and thanks for this card,

Hi, because it’s a binary sensor, you have to go through the template. You can easily find out the state for each attribute via template editor, but I think you will have on/off … something like this…

{{ iif(is_state_attr('sensor.6z1_2359_lock','doorstatusrearright', true), 'Locked', 'Closed') }}

{{ states['sensor.6z1_2359_lock'].attributes.doorstatusrearright }} 

For the button, each integration has a different design. I don’t know if you are using the official bmw integration, but according to the documentation I have no idea what the button is supposed to do. Some require script/automation for trigger service. Try to set tap action as toggle.

I would like to use the minimap, but my car integrations doesn’t create a device_tracker, instead I created a sensor. Is there any chance to use a sensor for the minimap (I added the latitude and longitude attributes to the sensor)?

why not create a device tracker manually using lat and lon from the sensor?

  - platform: template
        source_type: gps
        latitude: "{{ states('sensor.my_latitude_sensor') | float }}"
        longitude: "{{ states('sensor.my_longitude_sensor') | float }}"
        gps_accuracy: "{{ states('sensor.my_gps_accuracy_sensor') | int }}"
        battery_level: "{{ states('sensor.my_battery_sensor') | int }}"

gps_accuracy and battery_level are optional

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Because I was pretty sure, it’s not possible the create a device with a template.

Solved it, by creating an automation and using the device_tracker.see action

Thank you so much for this amazing work, I love it!

Now … hear me out :laughing:

I know you intended this as a vehicle status card… but it’s an amazing card for pets too :laughing:

This is my cat. Indicators are the daily stats, the buttons are actions to clean litter box / add food / open cat door …

I’m using Tractive tracker, petkit feeder and automatic litter box, pet libro water fountain

(Map display is much better I just zoomed in to hide my address )


About the buttons…
Is it possible to have the entity picture of an entity in the icon part?
I would like to have a button to fuel the car, i already have an entity (from carbu) which holds the right picture of the tankstation…

Hi @skank yes I can add a template config to replace the icon. I will prepare it for the next release. :love_you_gesture:
update: done :tada:


Perfect! Thank you so much