Vehicle Status Custom Card

Nice card! Will test.
Theres a map too , where you can see where you parked your car?
Can you use it then to start to navigate to the parking place?

Also how do you guys get such nice pictures from the car in your own color?
Im looking to do this with my kia sportage 2024

Also this is the same card as this one right?

So many cards for vehicles :frowning:

Vehicle INFO card is made for Mercedes cars, sensors are automatically generated.

This card, vehicle STATUS card is universal for all vehicles, just assign the sensors… Just read the documentation in the repo. :no_mouth:

Yes, just downloaded it :wink:

Oh forgot…
About the images, where do you get them so nice?

For Mercedes cars there is the possibility to download images of your car according to the VIN key. I don’t know how it is with other brands. :man_shrugging:

Trying to get the same status default card, but i dont succeed to get exactly like yours

The button is going to a default card
On the default card i need to add items and say if they are collapsed items, but how do i put items under the collapsed one?7

Create a section in the Default card tab and add the entities you want to it.

2024-09-27 20.39.35

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aha thx will try
If i create a section ,and into that section i want to create an item that has a dropdown
And into that dropdown, how do i add items there?
I dont see it in the movie above
Cause when i try collapse, then its the section that collapses and not the item

On this card is only expansion option for the section, not individual items :sweat_smile:

But on the video, i saw you have it , how did u do it?
See windows here

Sorry, I took the gif header from my second custom card. This option is not available for this card :grimacing:

I dont understand, so i shouldnt do the default card but the custom card?
Can i get the code?

I don’t know how to explain you better, I copied the gif image from my other card, and it is only for Mercedes cars. And the items or sensors are automatically generated from mercedes integration.

This card, VEHICLE STATUS CARD is universal, where the user has to set it himself. In the Default card type, you can add an ‘expansion panel’ for each section and add items to them. These items are displayed by state, there is no further expansion option.

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ok i get it what you mean with other card now.
Maybe its possible to include this card into it GitHub - thomasloven/lovelace-fold-entity-row: 🔹 A foldable row for entities card, containing other rows

I think its possible then?

Default card type will not have another feat. You can apply these options in Custom type :wink:

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I dont see the prograss bar of the fuel level here
What did i do wrong?

You selected attribute unit_of_measurement, it is not a state value for Fuel. It is the unit for that value. Delete the attribute, leave only the sensor to get the state value.

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Thx fixed :slight_smile:

I had that same problem with progress bar not showing because I didn’t put anything in entity range. For images, just google your car and select images. I found tons of them. look for png’s so they’ll be transparent.

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Is it possible to have a button on the map to start navigating to?
For example using google maps

service: notify.mobile_app_andreas
  message: "command_activity"
    intent_package_name: ""
    intent_action: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
    intent_uri: "google.navigation:q={{state_attr('device_tracker.kraftan', 'latitude')}},{{state_attr('device_tracker.kraftan', 'longitude')}}&mode=w"

Edit: actually maybe let us chose, a popup for the card or the ability to have a button to do this…
Where you see the address of the map, make that a button to do this? If u click adress… this command to google maps is given.

That would rock