Does anybody know how I can control my windows and blinds supplied by Velux they have rf remote controls but I can not find the protocol or commands anywhere.
Is there a way of capturing a command when i operate the remote and then sending that command when I want then to operate?
I think this depends on which technology the windows / blinds are using. Mine are using io-homecontrol, and in their FAQ it says, that the communication is encrypted. So even with a RF-device attachted to something like a Raspberry it won’t be easy to control anything. In my personal opinion it would make more sense to take apart the remote controls and just control them via GPIO with a Raspberry.
However, if more modern models use something different for control, then there may be less destructive ways to include your windows in your home automation.
I am sure mine are the same as yours i have just ordered a broadlink as i think i can teach it the command and then control it from HA if ever I get my head round setting it up.
I have 12 windows and blinds so makes it very difficult to control via a hardware solution I am told there is a BMS interface available so waiting for that information to come through
The documentation could indeed benefit from some more details. But I guess if you have such a device and know your way around HASS it won’t be hard to figure it out. If you succeed in getting this up in running it would be very nice if you could extend the documentation to include an example.
Hi Pete, any news? In the meanwhile I bought klf-200ww too.
I received it today by my new house is a bit in delay (no electricity yet!) thus can’t play with it
I just took a DML integra blind apart to figure out if it does what I think that it does. I was trying to get a KLF050 to talk to the blind directly, but I suspect I need a KLF or KUX to drive it after all. I see no antenna system on the blind. Is Velux sending the commands over the 24V wires?
I also have 3 Velux Integra Windows including 3 Blinds.
Currently I am using a KLR200 to control the windows and blinds but somehow I want to bring more logic into the solution (closing blinds when temperature of my Wunderground Station is abve a defined threshold).
If I got it correct I would need 2x KLF 200 as one system can only control 5 products? All three windows are independent…
Excuse me my stupid questions, but I am new in this topics:
I have 3 rooms with roof-window. I want to install 3 cheap wireless temperature seonsors in each room. Then I want to use the temperature and solar sensor from my wunderground weatherstation.
Depending on the inside/outside temperature and the solar status I want to open/close the windows and blinds.