Velux windows and blinds with HA

Yes it is, I see no problem with that

Any proposal for Wireless Temperature Sensors (Indoor)?


I am using netatmo meteo station but it is fairly expensive

I got yesterday the KLF 200. Works perfectly for me.

I am closing now my shutters/blinds when solar radiatiaon is longer then 15 minutes higher then 250 and outside temp is higher then 18 Degree.

I am opening again the shutters/blinds when the solar radiation drops 250 for more then 15 minutes.

What I am still searching for is a cheap method to measure indoor temperature via radio signal.


interesting! how do you measure solar radiation? which sensor are you using? can you provide more info?

I have bought the

Ventus WiFi-Wetterstation W830, inkl. Sensorset


The Weatherstation is reporting to WUnderground and from the WUnderground-Component I am getting the Solar-Radiation.


What is not so nice with the KLF 200, I cannot get the status of the windows, shutters,ā€¦

very true
it is a klf200 limit i believe


KLF 200 works, but as I have no feedback channel, so i do not know if the windows are now open or closed, I am thinking of selling the KLF200 again if there would be another (better) solution.

I know that Tahoma Connexoon should work, but if I am not wrong this is cloud based. As my solution should also work if my Internet connection is down this is not the right solution.

I was reading about Tahoma Premium. This solution should work OnPrem, but I am not sure if this works together with Home Assistant?


Iā€™m just wondering, has anyone here been successful getting their KLF 200 setup in the US?

I imported a KLF 200, but I seem to get it to receive my products from the KLR 200 remote. Iā€™m wondering if it is because the KLF 200 doesnā€™t support Veluxā€™s US models.

It seems there are at least two models of the KLF 200. A ā€˜world-wideā€™ model and a US model. Velux was nice enough to swap my world-wide model with a US model and my skylights were able to pair to the KLF.


I have the KLF200 but it seems I have a problem with it.

I have three windows, each with a blind.
I confiugred a scene on the KLF200 to close all three blinds and one scene to open it.

I have an outside solar radiation sensor and based on this sensor I want to close and open the blinds.

My problem is now that the scenes are not working properly. e.g. Today in the morning the blinds were closed correctly. During the day clouds covered the sun and the blinds opened again. After some time the clouds disapeard and the automation for closing the blinds were triggered again (because I amsending an push message as an action) but the blinds didnt close.
It seems the KLF didnt react on the action.

Anyone else with that experience?


not meā€¦didnā€™t remember to have an issue with KLF not responding


Which Firmware-Version do you have?

And how many scenes do you use and how often are you triggering them?

Maybe it is because I have many scenes, and sometimes I am triggering many of them at the same time (e.g. 5 in less then 1 minute).


ok the latter can be an issue (triggering lot of scenes in a short time): for that what i did is my automation calling multiple scenes have always a delay set to some seconds between the scenes calling.

Firmware wise i am on the latestā€¦canā€™t remember the version and i canā€™t check now


Hey all, I have some Velux Loft Windows where ive retrofitted solar opening. The remote is a KLI311 and from my R&D I think its using the io-homecontrol protocol. Is the only way to integrate this with HA via the KLF200?

Looking at the KLF its quite expensive, (~Ā£120), Im thinking the alternative is to get a second cheap switch and modify it so that a RPI presses the buttonsā€¦

Any other way?

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Yeah Iā€™ll be following this as well. Currently have 4 Solar Velux Blinds, 1 on the old smaller remote (io logo on rear) and 3 new ones with the square switch.

Ideally want something I can use to control somfy blinds with in the future when I add more! Looks like Velux Active /Homekit integration might be the only solution. Can you even buy the KLF200 anymore?

After doing a fair bit of research on this the only cost effective and reliable way of automating my two velux blinds was to dismantle the io-homecontrol remote and solder the up / down / stop contacts to a sonoff 4ch pro r2. The sonoff is running tasmota and ā€œpressesā€ the buttons. This one remote is paired to my two velux window blinds. Home assistant config looks like this:

  - platform: template
        optimistic: true
        friendly_name: "Velux Blinds"
  #      position_template: "{{ states('sensor.whatever') }}"   # not using this for now
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.sonoff_blinds1
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.sonoff_blinds2
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.sonoff_blinds3
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state('cover.back_room', 'open') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

Iā€™ve had it up and running since about July last year without issue. At some point Iā€™ll have to replace the batteries in the butchered remote. Also be aware that this cover isnā€™t actually aware of the position of the blinds, it only assumes that they are up or down. If you wanted you could install a small xiaomi door / window sensor at one end of each blind to detect if it is truly open or closed, but Iā€™ve not felt the need to do this as the blinds have operated very reliably in home assistant.

And of course home assistant exposes the blinds to Google Assistant and all of my automations, so I have better control over these than if I had used a Velux ā€œsmartā€ product. Iā€™m not sure if the Velux solution requires a cloud subscription or service, but this local solution also works offline and doesnā€™t rely on any third party service (other than hassio of course).

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Similar to Davidā€™s post above, I found this blog post by @jgibbarduk which Iā€™m hoping to replicate myself but with an esp32.

If youā€™re still hanging around here mate, I would be really interested to know how you went with all this. Your post is otherwise noting updates to follow :slight_smile:

Did you ever get the read wires going?

Iā€™m thinking this shouldnā€™t be too hard using ESPhome, though Iā€™m a bit of a newbie, only currently using one to read xiaomi sensors, never used GPIO pins before

