im having this problem to since 106, i can control some devices but not others,
very annoying.
this works for me, go to settings, configuration,entities, type vera in search, delete entities, (working entities will remain) restart ha, now all my entities work again (2 of 100 entities i had to ad _2 on the name, but i did this before trying the other way so may not be necessary) doing it this way i didn’t lose any of my configurations and it only took a minute to do.
Sadly don’t have much to contribute here. The pyvera code (library and the HA wrapper) are very stable - and haven’t changed for quite a while. The entity ids just come from Vera - so they are stable too.
My guess is something has changed about the HA entity handling - and perhaps there is some sort of race condition. It might need a fix in the HA wrapper code - although what’s there is very simple.
Sorry not to be more helpful.
Anyone advanced on this ?
This drive me nuts, from time to time certain things stop working with Vera, Restart or Reboot
doesnt help (it might resolve light x to work back, but then light y will stop)
logs full of
020-04-02 10:03:02 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 425, in _async_add_entity
raise HomeAssistantError(msg)
homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: Entity id already exists: light.tree_lights_285. Platform vera does not generate unique IDs
2020-04-02 10:03:02 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
I have the similar issue on HA 0.108
2020-04-09 19:17:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Entity id already exists - ignoring: light.primary_bedroom_light. Platform opple does not generate unique IDs
2020-04-09 19:17:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Entity id already exists - ignoring: light.primary_bedroom_light. Platform opple does not generate unique IDs
2020-04-09 19:17:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Entity id already exists - ignoring: light.primary_bedroom_light. Platform opple does not generate unique IDs
The following worked for me but the issue came back after every restart. MQTT and HA not playing nice with each other
EDIT: DOES NOT WORK. after restarting I could not get it to work again
Has anyone been successful in fixing this issues? 50% of my integrations are now broken.
Roll back to 104.3. It’s the latest know working build. Before doing that copy you log files and please submit the error on GitHub. The more we press for a fix the quicker it will happen.
Has there been a defect logged against which I can post my logs?
EDIT: Apparently a fix is being worked on
Lets hope its released soon
there’s also this one:
Same here, I’m seeing both the “platform vera does not generate unique ids” error on startup and the effect in the UI, where switches do not operate the physical switch.
Does anyone have a work-around in the meantime? How to remove the devices that already exist and are non working in HA so they get re-created ?
Was there ever a resolution to this issue or fix folks? Just added a few Z-wave devices and they are showing up in HA with the correct ID I specified in the configuration.yaml file AND as entities with “_2” appended. Only the entity with “_2” actually works.
Would love to get this issue resolved.
Running 108.9
thank you thank you
I’m waiting till this PR goes live and hopefully this resolves the issues -
Nice. Bit of a rookie question… but do I look for the latest HA update that I would install and this would be in the package? Or do I just need to do the “Update Core” and that would fix it?
Thanks and sorry. I’m not a programmer - just a tinkerer
Does PR mean public release? Is it just the core of HA or do I need to update HA as well? 109 broke everything so I went back down a version.
PR means pull request… i.e. a proposed code change.
The change will almost certainly be integrated into the core, but it hasn’t been yet. There are ways to manually do it, but I’d suggest just waiting until it has been released. Unknown yet if this will be accepted into a release, or if it’s held off until 0.111
Thank you my friend. I’ll wait and hold off on .110 until then.
Do I just keep an eye out for the release notes or is there a way to set a tracker to notify me when the Vera ID issue has been incorporated into an update?
If you open the PR that’s linked a few messages above, you can subscribe to notifications over at the bottom of the stuff on the right side of the page. If it gets tagged with a 0.110.x release, then you know what version you want to wait for. If it doesn’t, then you probably need to wait for 0.111