I’m not sure if everyone here is describing HomeAssistant running on hassio or on other platforms.
But in hassio the subscribe.py for pyvera is at this location /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyvera/subscribe.py
I was able to upgrade pyvera module using python3 1st to install pip,
hassio did not have pip command.
python3 -m pip install pip --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade pyvera
I’ve verified the file subscribe.py line 98 has the fix,
but restarting homeassistant made no difference.
on hassio there is no --skip-pip option when restarting homeassistant
from the command line, or at least I can’t find any.
this is the command I’ve found on hassio
@pnakashian Thank you for the reply. I don’t have a python3.7 directory in /usr/lib. I do have one in /usr/local/lib but when I go into the site-packages folder I don’t have a pyvera folder. Maybe I don’t have the correct permissions to view the folder or the folder is located somewhere else? I didn’t need to install anything to get the Vera integration working. It just started working after I configured the Vera info in my configuration.yaml file. I am running Hassio on a Raspberry Pi and I installed it using the Hass.io image downloaded from the getting started page. I am on version 97.2.
It sounds like you’re not in the home assistant container. You need to do something like “docker exec -it homeassistant bash” and then look for the file.
@brianewman Thank you. I was finally able to access the files using the docker bash method. The only way I could do that was to connect a keyboard to the Raspberry Pi. It seems to be something with permissions when I’m trying to access via SSH or through the Configurator addin. I know I’m in the correct place, it just doesn’t show all the files. Is there a different username I should be using to access these files?
Also, like @pnakashian I am still unable to see status updates after updating the code. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong here too. I’ll keep working on it.
This is really great news! Thank you both for letting us Vera users know that 0.98 has restored the sensor issues we have had since 0.94.4. I am going to wait a few days to see if everything continues to work. I hope you can continue to keep us updated.
Thanks to all who responded. I can also confirm that 98.1 brings everything back as expected. Great job admins and all contributing programmers! So happy to be current again.
Different Vera devices have problems after hass reboots, so a device working now may stop working after a reboot, and vice versa. It makes it very hard to troubleshoot.
I just noticed in 106 (may have been earlier as it’s sensors I dont use much), that my scene controllers on my vera hub now show unavailable in HA, they still work and vera shows them correctly and as working but nothing in HA, I checked to see if the names changed but there are no new entities that I can find.
Anyone know if this has been addressed yet? Ive looked at all the breaking changes and fixes in both 105 and now 106 but no indication this has been resolved. Im stuck at 104.3 until Im sure Vera will report correctly. With all the other issues recently reported I hope the Vera users don’t get completely ignored.
you can get a slight relief on communication between HA and vera after you reboot/restart HA is to “reload Zwave engine” on the vera. all my zwave devices show up with unknown state on HA restart, after Zwave engine reload, they start getting sensor data. also I’ve been applying vera plus firmware updates, its behavior has changed, i could swear i’m getting more retries exceeded message in HA log on the pyvera component.
To help with connection retries exceeded, I’m trying something new in vera plus->Users & account Info->Security-> I’ve enabled checkbox “Enable potentially unsafe lua code, like wget and RunLua.”
I’ve written a few of my own curl/wget calls to vera from HA they were also getting connection retries exceeded when connecting to port 3480, that made me think it could be a security feature on the vera to throttle too many requests.
even after lowering security setting, my virtual vera switches still seem to have a little lag changing state between vera and HA. Maybe these little clues can help someone find better ideas here.