Verify_ssl: false ignored by Generic IP Camera

I have verify_ssl set to “false” (Verify_ssl: false) for the Generic IP Camera, but it’s failing to get an image, with the
Error getting new camera image: Cannot connect to host ssl:None [[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:720)]

It looks like it’s still trying to verify the cert! :frowning:

If I try setting Verify_ssl: true, then I get the exact same error message.


Same here. :frowning:
Has anybody managed to fix it?

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This just started happening to me too, anyone figured out any solutions?

Nope, had to switch to unsafe http

did you manage to add these cameras?
try the following:

Try to use the following, I have managed to add camera!

  - platform: generic
    name: doorbell1
    stream_source: rtsp://login:[email protected]:554/onvif1
    still_image_url: rtsp://login:[email protected]:554/onvif1
    rtsp_transport: udp
    authentication: digest
    username: login
    password: pass
    verify_ssl: False

in the lovelace:

type: picture-elements
title: Door Bell 2 Camera
camera_image: camera.doorbell1
  - type: state-icon
      action: more-info
    entity: camera.doorbell1
    icon: mdi:arrow-expand-all
      top: 5%
      right: 5%
      color: white
      opacity: 0.5
      transform: ' scale (1.5, 1.5) '
camera_view: live
