Version 1.0.3 Released

iOS 1.0.3 is now available as an update in the App Store. If you aren’t seeing it just wait a few hours, it’ll eventually show up.

Thanks for all the great feedback thus far, please keep it coming! Feel free to leave a review on the App Store with your thoughts about the app so far too :).

New Features:

  • Add a reset function to clear out credentials and device ID, resetting the app to its fresh state
  • Add background fetch so battery updates even more frequently than before
  • Add a new notification for background fetch
  • Initial iBeacon support. Requires at least 0.43.0. Docs are available here.
  • Add location update via background fetch notification
  • Camera notification content extension supports play/pause controls
  • Map is no longer a static image which makes it look much better
  • Map supports multiple pins. Docs are available here.
  • Map supports customization of features via the push payload. Docs are linked above.


  • Notification actions didn’t work if activationMode was set to background and app had been terminated
  • Significant Location Updates correctly send a notification (if you have that enabled)
  • Significant Location Updates didn’t work after app termination
  • Fix weblinks so they open in external browser
  • General Settings is now correctly hidden if you don’t have Chrome installed and shown if you do
  • Open in Chrome preference was continually being overwritten at app launch
  • Send location during background fetch only if location is enabled, otherwise just update device state (i.e. battery)
  • Web view contents aren’t cut off at the bottom anymore


  • Disable entity picture downloading for now, should speed up startup and most operations
  • Continue localization work. German is coming up this week, French shortly thereafter!
  • Changed to a new icon
  • Add a space to the display name so notifications look better at the expense of a truncated homescreen name
  • Status bar is now Home Assistant blue
  • Set color of toolbar items to Home Assistant blue
  • Remove old dependencies to cut down app size

Thank you for your continued work on this! iBeacon support was a great surprise.

New app, exit the background, and then open the app will flash

Version 1.0.3

Just started seeing this issue pop up, triaging now and will report back with findings.

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Is there any documentation?

I downloaded the app.
Opened the app and got a screen saying it found my homeassistant install.
I tapped on my install and it populated the URL below.
I don’t use a password, so I just hit save.
The app exited.

I went back in and went through the same process
This time instead of tapping save, I tapped Done
This took me to a white screen with A refresh and a config gear in the bottom right hand corner, nothing else.

??? It’s a very nice white screen. :slight_smile:

I keyed in my URL and it worked. Very nice. Apparently though selecting the discovered HA entry and having it populate below isn’t working just right.

I suppose it’ll be 0.43.0, right? :wink:

BTW great work, @robbiet480 :clap: :clap:

PS: Do you need spanish localization? If so, I’m in for that.

Very nice release! Thank you very much for keeping this app alive! :slight_smile:

I am having problem with the background fetching of location in 1.0.3. It worked perfect in the 1.0.2 but since this morning it´s not working as is should. I can exit one zone and enter another zone without any notification, when I open the app it it kicks in again and get me notification that I left one zone and entered another zone. I switched background fetch notification on for 2-3 hours ago and since then I have got 3 notifications that app fetch background location.

Anyone got the same issue? Do you know way this got worse @robbiet480?

I have done some testing between two zone. The most common thing is that it take around 10 minutes until the location changes. In the previous versions it was normal with one or two minutes.

My home zone is not appearing in the app. It looks fine on the Map section of a web page but not in the apps native map display. Is this a bug or some config change I need to make ?

where can I find some info about the background fetch feature and how to use it?

I’m getting a lot more false “not_home” in the version. Three times tonight. Been home the whole time. When I open the app (it’s been running in the background) I change back to “Home”.

There is nothing special to “use it”, it’s always enabled. iOS wakes up the app every so often to let it do its thing. The app sends location and the identify then and iOS shuts down after.

So way do you think it got worse in 1.0.3? Any reason or is it just temporary unluck for some of us? :blush:

You’re holding the phone wrong!

Honestly not super sure yet but I’m wondering if it actually got better because of the background fetch but now it’s updating without the proper parameters sent to HASS which makes it think that you are outside of the zone. Whats your radius set to?

I have different radius set, my home zone is 200, the zone I tested it against yesterday is 100

After installing the new app I got no push notifications any more when entering/leaving a zone. I have enabled it in settings again and also tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling it but no change.
Furthermore the app is crashing all the time now. Whenever I try to open it it crashes instantly.
When I look on the web frontend it all looks like before.,

I have done som testing today, I have going back and forwards between two zones today atlas four times. Just to monitor what happened I set upp automation with a notification on leave and enter a both zones. Around half the times I got a notification between 10-15 minutes after leaving och entering a zone. In the other half nothing happened before I opened the app (it run in the background al the time)
I also enabled the built in notification on entering, leaving a zone but none of the 8 times I got that notification. This morning I also enable the notification for background fetch, durin 8 hours I got that notification 2 times.

So something have messed the tracking and localization up in 1.0.3, in previous version it worked without any issues

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-I have noticed that the app first starts to crash when I enable location tracking.