I’m getting a lot more false “not_home” in the version. Three times tonight. Been home the whole time. When I open the app (it’s been running in the background) I change back to “Home”.
There is nothing special to “use it”, it’s always enabled. iOS wakes up the app every so often to let it do its thing. The app sends location and the identify then and iOS shuts down after.
So way do you think it got worse in 1.0.3? Any reason or is it just temporary unluck for some of us?
You’re holding the phone wrong!
Honestly not super sure yet but I’m wondering if it actually got better because of the background fetch but now it’s updating without the proper parameters sent to HASS which makes it think that you are outside of the zone. Whats your radius set to?
I have different radius set, my home zone is 200, the zone I tested it against yesterday is 100
After installing the new app I got no push notifications any more when entering/leaving a zone. I have enabled it in settings again and also tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling it but no change.
Furthermore the app is crashing all the time now. Whenever I try to open it it crashes instantly.
When I look on the web frontend it all looks like before.,
I have done som testing today, I have going back and forwards between two zones today atlas four times. Just to monitor what happened I set upp automation with a notification on leave and enter a both zones. Around half the times I got a notification between 10-15 minutes after leaving och entering a zone. In the other half nothing happened before I opened the app (it run in the background al the time)
I also enabled the built in notification on entering, leaving a zone but none of the 8 times I got that notification. This morning I also enable the notification for background fetch, durin 8 hours I got that notification 2 times.
So something have messed the tracking and localization up in 1.0.3, in previous version it worked without any issues
-I have noticed that the app first starts to crash when I enable location tracking.
I installed along with upgrading to v0.43. Everything was great for a few hours, both location and notifications were working. A few hours later, the app started crashing every time I open it. Not sure what is going to but, now the app won’t open without crashing.
@robbiet480 I’m experiencing the app crashing every time I start it. Same is happening on both the app store and beta versions.
I’m having the exact same Problem… Closing the app in task manager does not help. After reinstalling the App it just works fine.
A restart of my iPhone corrected the issue. For now its working using the app store version.
I tried to make a hard reset on my iphone and it seemed to work but after a while it returned crashing each time i open the app.
Ya back for me as well.
ditto. app crashes constantly, iOS tracking not working either.
Robbie had said he was off on holidays this week and will be away from the keyboard. He pushed another update to Apple that hopefully includes some fixes for these issues that we maybe will see approved tomorrow.
Robbie - sorry for speaking out of tune but just trying to spread the word you shared on the chat the other night.