So my Pi went unresponsive over the weekend. This happens every few weeks and unplugging replugging the ethernet cable always sorts it. It comes back on straight away.
Anyway this time it came back on…and promptly fell offline again. You could, if you were quick, get to the web GUI but it would soon fall over.
This morning I’ve plugged it back in but this time to a monitor as well.
I’m seeing loads of eth0: kevent 0 may have been dropped
Also strangely, as soon as the Pi boots up, the whole network degrades.
Computers have hugely degraded connectivity and either drop offline totally or are massively affected by lag.
The second I unplugged the Pi, the network recovers.
I’ve managed to pull off my config file which is a huge relief
But anyone any ideas what’s going on?
I’ve swapped out the USB adaptor and the cable thinking it might be a PSU issue but it’s not.