Video Doorbell TMEZON


Does anyone know if there is any way to integrate the motion detection sensor of the TMZON MZ-IP-V103W video doorbell

I think video is accesible for RTSP.



Did you find anything? I’m also interested in this…

Did you get the stream of the RTSP?

I wrote to TMEZON and they confirm that don’t have any API, so I didn’t buy the device.

I will try to dissasemble ucarehome app to check if it’s possible to integrate tmezon monitor to hassio

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I have this doorbell and I m very interested to integrate the tmezon in my jeedom. And in few month in my HASSIO when I change to HASSIO.

Juste if I can help you, maybe search in the web server of your tmezon. You can enter the ip adress and have access to IPDOOR. Maybe is to easy to have information…

I have also considered this. I see 2 ways to get integration:

  1. Reverse engineer app protocol towards server, and simulate app - Would still expose everything to China.
  2. The Valetudo way. Make sure it points at your webserver. Then control it from there. Maybe have your app use the same DNS server with fake records.

Hello everybody. Any news about the integration of Tmezon doorbell into Home Assistant? I’m very very interested so would apreciate any contribution or tips. Thank you!

I have looked into web-ui’s “player.js” where rtsp-url is put together,
but I don’t know how to get further from here?


Line #202: = function(width, height) {
        switch (GetPlayStream()) {
        case '11':
            playchn = 11;
        case '12':
            playchn = 12;
        PicWidth = width;
        PicHeight = height;
        try {
            var vlc = this.getVLC("VLCPlayer");
            itemId = vlc.playlist.add("rtsp://" + + "/" + playchn);

so I’ve managed to work out the URL to get a still image.

The URL is http://IPAddress/cgi-bin/hi3510/param.cgi?cmd=snap&-getpic.

I also found this URL, which I think may be part of the stream but I can’t get it to work, maybe there needs to be some kind of login included in it: http://IPAddress/livestream/11?action=play&media=video_audio

Could one of you please help with how to embed the still image with a refresh rate for the time being?


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hey, i managed to do it :

in vlc player, network flow :

and it works fine

How exactly did you do it? Are you sure it’s the same model? I am trying in all ways but I can’t get a video streaming

my model is the IPDoor-319BW

i edited the http://<tmezon_ip>/web/js/player.js file and found the url

And the RTSP url work on VLC or Hassio or ZoneMinder?

i have the same problem for stream RTSP. the stream doesn’t work Any idea ?

quidni qualcuno è riuscito a farlo funzionare?

Thanks me later:

Activate stream: http ://IP/cgi-bin/hi3510/doorConnect.cgi?&-door=0
Stream on : rtsp://IP/11
Unlock door… no security!!! http ://IP/web/cgi-bin/hi3510/doorUnlock.cgi
Check user: http ://IP/cgi-bin/hi3510/checkuser.cgi?&-name=USER&-passwd=PWD&-time=2021.
Reboot: http ://IP/web/cgi-bin/hi3510/reboot.cgi

I have very similar VideoDoorBell. Same interface.
The only way i can see stream is from activeX player. I can’t find any js file. What I need to do?

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I see tmezon are now selling a new version compatible with Tuya

I wonder if this will allow us to automate it using scenes and integrate it with home assistant.

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Hi, do you find something?
I buy this one but doesnt work with Tuya on HA… :frowning:

I also got a similar but newer device. The door unlocking does work. The video feed does not (at the moment).

But what I learned so far is the following:
My video feed URL is: rtsp://{{IP}}:80/livestream/11?action=play&media=video_audio_data
To actually get data there, I need to add an HTTP header: Authorization: ipcam w54723
But I still couldn’t figure out, how to do that with ffmpeg :frowning:

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