Viessmann Component

@stefanwi Ye i think they updated their app to support other devices from their system. My guess is they reworked their backend for it.

Currently I have no Vicare related messages in the log, and all my automations seem to work properly.

Looks like they have fixed it, works since Monday afternoon (CET)

Mine is also working again… Seems they had a few hickups…

Jup mine works again to. Restarted the viesman wifi on the heating and HA and it worked again.

Hi all,

I am planning my new house heating system and in our country (SVK) Viesmann is a realiable brand. I asked Viesmann sales rep. what smart solution he recommends for floor heating system (water), thermostats and individual zones for the rooms. He told me that in November they will be releasing a zone controller for ViCare and he recommends Vicare klimasenzor. Pretty good I think:

For water based floor heating system I don’t really need a classic manually adjustable thermostats in the rooms, because it’s a slow heating type - so I don’t need to adjust as much as a classic system. The klimasenzors and ability to adjust the temperature from ViCare/Home Assistant is totally fine in this case I think.

How good is ViCare integration in Home Assistant, it is stable enough? It is works locally or it is purely internet based? What happens, when there is no internet?

Are/will be the new klimasenzor/zone regulator supported in HA? The water based floor heating/domestic hot water in ViCare component is fully suported in HA?

Is there any equithermal control ability? Or it works on another level (thermostat - gas boiler)?

At the moment only the central component (the heater, heatpump etc) can be controlled via Home Assistant integration. The Smart Sensors are not supported (yet?). You can check some more details on what are the plans or progress on the git page of the author of the python libraries for vicare integration.
The integration is cloud based - Viessmann is not sharing and actively refusing to share the documentation of the local protocol. So yes, it is fully depending on internet connection availability. In my experience internet connection is more reliable than the Viessmann’s cloud service, although it was recently quite heavily maintained, probably in preparation of the new devices to hit the market. Other than that it is pretty good, still have some restrictions in the number of calls to the API (e.g. you can only refresh status of sensors once a minute more or less).
Can you elaborate more about the “equithermal control ability”? The HA integration is just a different interface to Viessmann’s control units - you can set target temperatures, change heating modes and read status of sensors e.g. temperatures, gas usage etc. But the control logic is still with the heater controller.

Is it possible to entirely disable the water_heater.vicare_water entity (which is read-only in the UI)?
I have no water heater, and thus getting lots of errors…

Thanks for the detailed answer. Sounds good.

“The integration is cloud based - Viessmann is not sharing and actively refusing to share the documentation of the local protocol.” So local control is available when internet is out (trough the official app)?

“Can you elaborate more about the “equithermal control ability”?”

Thinking on this, it is done on gas boiler itself. When you have equithermal controlling on gas boiler, the gas boiler adjusting itself for outer temperature. On warm days it’s running on 50% on cold days 100% etc.

There is no local control available. No internet = no control.
Unless your burner is compatible with OptoLink, giving you local (serial/usb/wifi) connection to HA.
There’s a couple of projects on GitHub.
Unfortunately my Vitodens 222-W diesn’t seem to be Optolink compatible. :cry:

My installer refers to your “equithermal control” as “burner modulation”.

BTW I think it would be good idea to drop here a comment if you would like to see local control:

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Exactly, you don’t need to replicate this feature in Home Assistant. HA only lets you set heater parameters and heater modes as well allows to monitor its status. Not more than that.

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Is support planned for Home Assistant for Viessmann thermostatic heads with integration into Vicare?

mi vicare integration are gone.
This is my log:
Logger: homeassistant

Source: helpers/
First occurred: 4 dicembre 2020, 23:47:42 (58 occurrences)
Last logged: 0:44:02

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 619, in _update_entity_states
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 283, in async_update_ha_state
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 322, in _async_write_ha_state
    attr.update(self.state_attributes or {})
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/water_heater/", line 175, in state_attributes
    ATTR_TEMPERATURE: show_temp(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 23, in display_temp
    raise TypeError(f"Temperature is not a number: {temperature}")
TypeError: Temperature is not a number: error

Lovelace card:

Has anyone this issue?
HA: 0.118.4

Thanks in advance,


All is fine in my setup, also 0.118.4
Does the ViCare smartphone app function properly on your Android/iOS phone?

it was my wifi down, what a stupid!



Hi guys, i just installed a Vitoconnect OT2 on my Viessman 111W and it works well. But i have a lot of unavaiable values on my home assistant installation. I configured the heating type as gas. Did you ever see a issue like this?

Download the ViCare App on your phone and check in Settings -> Diagnostic information if any of those values are visible there.

i would make a sensor to check my gas consumption.
I’ve seen a lot of values in vicare heating component but the question is: Which is the unit of misurament?
I don’t think it’s cube meter because the values is too high.


How have you done to monitoring gas consumption using vicare api?
Thanks in advace,


From Developer Tools you can see the Unit of measurement is kWh