no i’ve got only 4 values: number of burner start, working hour, state of the burner and temperature of the hot water. Why?
Seems like your heating system currently does not provide more values.
ok, i will try to contact the viessman support. Thanks
But your card looks OK, what’s wrong with it?
It says inactive but the heating system is actually active. Here is a screenshot from the ViCare app.
Isn’t that expected behaviour for the thermostat ?
The set temp is 20, the measured temp (flow) is 21, so the heating is idle (not heating) until flow drops below set temp.
When that happens, say flow at 19, then the card will no longer show inactief but ‘heating’ (or similar).
Just tested because the room temp was below the asked room temp but still says inactive. I can change the temp which also change in the Vicare app so that works but the status keeps inactive.
I just started using Home Assistant & the vicare component. The problem is that i have a Vitovalor PT2 (Fuelcell & Gas burner). But it seems this in not supported yet by the component. The api itself does support it. would it be possible to integrate this in the component ?
To support the fuel cell, we need a dump from your API result, to see which data is available for that heating type. Are you into coding? Could you provide that API dump? Also see this issue here, unfortunately nobody has provided a fuelcell result yet:
If you can guide me through the dumping process i can provide this information. I already had a look at the pyVicare code, and started with adding the things i need. If you wan’t i can give you de code.
Dear all,
I’m new to this discussion, I’ve read most of the messages, I haven’t found my answer,
can manage 2 circuits?
Have a nice evening
I’ve checked and someone already added the FuelCell to PyViCare but the Home-Assistant integration is not there yet. So I guess you just have to wait until it’s added.
I know its already in the pyCare, and i’ve created my info that i need in home assistent ingegration, but i don’t know how i can get it to the core integration (I’m all new to github, i need to learn about pull requests, en put’s). If you would i could send the code to you.
According to this issue: the user nbraem is already working on the HA integration.
hi there,
anybody aware why the thermostat card is not working properly? Ist this a general thing? I have a vitodens 200w.
seems like I’m lacking the needed supply temperature entity
Home Assistant OS 5.11
However I get other data like water boiler temperature, burner starts etc, tried also the default circuit with no luck. ViCare App is working for “Soll Temperature”
Any ideas?
username: xxx
password: yyy
circuit: 2
heating_type: gas
scan_interval: 120
Thank you!
All good here:
here all good, also.
Check your HA log ?
thx guys, nothing in HA log. I changed now circuit to 1 and it worked!
should this not be the default setting when there is no circuit mentioned?