Viessmann Component

Thanks for your answer. It looks like my gas heater doesn’t have this data by ViCare API -
I’ve created a commit into PyViCare repository with my dump data.

Dear oischinger, energy_support is working great. However, I would like to let you know that the latest commit (111 2 days ago) breaks the integration.
Thank you for your great work

I’m on the latest from energy_support branch, all is working fine. Haven’t come across a single broken thing.

Are you also on 2022.10.6?
I had to downgrade because the integration was not initiating

no, i’m still on core-2021.10.6

Hi there, viessmann added official API support for gas and power consumption.

Hey everyone,
just a quick update: The upcoming release of core-2021.11.0 will include below listed PRs:
Improve ViCare energy units
Fix Vicare unique_ids
Support ViCare energy units
Update PyVicare to 2.13.0

The configuration via UI PR is still work in progress and won’t make it into the release.

If you want to use it already please use the custom integration. I just updated the master branch to include all the ongoing PRs.

:warning: Here’s a breaking change which applies for the custom component as well as the next HA Core release:
Note that I had to change the unique ids of some entities again. This will most likely lead to duplicated entities if you have used thee custom component before.
Just delete the unavailable entities and it should be back to normal.


@oischinger After update from energy_support branch to master branch, the following entities are not available anymore for me:

  • binary_sensor.vicare_burner_active
  • sensor.vicare_burner_hours
  • sensor.vicare_burner_modulation
  • sensor.vicare_burner_starts

The other entities were just duplicated, as you mentioned.

Can you please provide the logs and filter for Vicare?

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Thanks to @TobiasKneidl the burner and compressor sensors are back working. HA Core release will include the fix. The custom component’s master branch was also updated

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“Multiple circuits and burners now allow “duplicate sensors”, we’ve added the circuit or burner number as suffix.”

hello, unfortunately I can only see one circuit. is this correct? thanks for your work!

Great news. I’ve also talking about this stats with Viessmann developer. I’ve added pull request to somm15/PyViCare. When consumption enitites will be available in HA integration? Is there any process to add upgrades like this one?

Can you please dump the data for your device as described here: GitHub - somm15/PyViCare: Python Library to access Viessmann ViCare API

Home Assistant logs would also help (filter for Vicare).

Hello Oisch,

with HA core-2021.11.0 i have now both circuits.
Is it possible to set all operation modes from a heating circuit?

  • off
  • only warm water
  • warm water and heating
  • continuously reduced
  • continuously daytime

In HA i have “only” off → continuously reduced, automatic and heating → continuously daytime

Yes, see Viessmann ViCare - Home Assistant

Is it also possible to make the modes available in the standard climate.vicare entity?

Unfortunately not. We’re tied to the standard modes of the HA climate entities

I have implemented an input_select with all the modes and automations that call the vicare.set_vicare_mode service. Simple display on lovelace like that:

or like that on HADashboard:


@oischinger, so it is only possible via an input_select, like adorobis solution?

@adorobis, thanks, that looks good!

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Correct. You beed to build something like that. There’s bo UI for the Viessmann modes built in.