Viessmann Component

The values should already be visible and can be fetched with a template sensor. You can check the developer tools to see the names.

Setting the value is not possible yet. It would need to be implemented in the HA component.

Yes it would be possible, but it’s unfortunately not yet implemented.

I would just set this schedule on the heating system.

The Viessmann API has many outages. So in the worst case you would keep heating the water to 60°C for quite some time, because the request to lower it to 50°C might not be received when the API is offline.


I hope this is the right place for my question

I have a lot of sensors in my ViCare ending in “_current_xxx” and “_this_xxx” (xxx stands for “day, month, year”) 

Simple question: Why? :slightly_smiling_face:

They are showing the same values so I don’t get why these “duplicates” are available.

Because of that crappy unstable Viessmann cloud, I tried to create a local Integration with the OpenV vcontrold Server:

Sadly my Python skills are too poor for this, so I created a feature request therefore.

There would be a lot of possibilities, when there’s a reliable communication between my HomeAssistant and my heater 

Hello, that’s a reasonable approach to free yourself from forced cloud solutions. I would be happy if this were possible with all systems.
the internet may not be bad, but what does home automation actually have to do with the cloud?

Energy in kWh is calculated from gas volume by multiplying it with “Gaszustandszahl” and “Brennwert” (these terms are in german, sorry I don’t know the english terms). Normally “Gaszustandszahl” is around 1,0 and Brennwert around 10. You can set these values in the configuration of viessmann heating device via menu, please consult your manual. Maybe the values are set to unsane numbers, and so you get these strange conversion. I think in the pyvicare and @oischinger libraries they don’t calculate the kWh value, because it depends on the type of gas and only pass the value from api.

It looks like the burner is reporting the mÂł values only. The Vicare app also only shows the mÂł values.

Pivicare converts mÂł to KwH, using a flawed formula possibly due to the wrong Calorific Value (which varies slightly according to gas-type & geolocation)

Would be nice to get some input from a dev on this.

I have a problem, since several days the “pump active” binary sensor entity binary_sensor.heizung_circulation_pump_active is not updated anymore and is always set to unavailable:

Another binary sensors like “burner active” binary_sensor.heizung_burner_active are working fine.

Does anyone also have this problem? Restarting home-assistant did not help, what else can I do?

Same here.

Looks like we’re not the only ones with the problem. Seems to be a general problem with the Viessmann API. In the Viessmann Developer Forum there are already posts about it:

There is no conversion in PyViCare.
Some burners report mÂł while others report kWh.

Are you saying that the ViCare app shows mÂł, but that PiViCare is receiving both mÂł and KwH from the api ?
The device info is E3_Vitodens_200_0419, boiler 222-W B2LE.

We have one test response in PyViCare for the Vitodens 222W, which reports kWh for the “Power Consumption” (which is what you read as “Energy” in HA) and mÂł for the “Gas consumption”: PyViCare/Vitodens222W.json at eb86bd2eeaed25740ed3ef101b5a1722ab387bff · somm15/PyViCare · GitHub

Unfortunately the response is 14 months old, so I don’t know if anything was changed in the API since then.

Maybe the power value is the electricity consumption of your heating?

i think @crazyfx1 is right of course, that the mentioned data point provides the energy consumption of the device itself :man_facepalming:. Please check this via the ViCare app, the energy consumption of device itself can also be viewed there.

:point_up: this right here. Yea
 my bad for not digging deeper.

I’m running Home Assistant OS, can I create a test response for this boiler ?
Saw this, GitHub - somm15/PyViCare: Python Library to access Viessmann ViCare API , don’t think it’s do-able in HAOS ?

Thanks for the link, the issue was on viessmann side and is now resolved.


You can run custom python scripts in home assistant for example with this hacs addon

Maybe it is also possible with the native home assistant integration, but i don’t know.

The diagnostics information in the integration page contain such a dump of the ViCare API. But it starts with some json key values specific to the HA integration. You will have to remove those.

The HA integration actually gets the unit (kWh or m3) for a specific sensor from the API:

So this should never be mixed up!

However I believe HA can no do some internlal calculations to your preferred units since a recent release. Dunno how that works TBH


First of all, thank you for building this integration into HA!

I have a heat pump (300G) and I am looking to get actual energy consumption out of this API (expressed in KWH). It looks like the Viesmann API doesn’t have this data point available itself so was trying to build something based on the data points “ViCare Compressor Hours Load Class 1/2/3/4/5” respectively.

Does anyone has any idea what the tresholds are for these different compressor load classes?
Or any pointer to get energy consumption for a heat pump out of this in an easier way?


Kind regards