View All Option in History

Hi, this is the important part regarding this “feature request”, to have the previous pre-2022.7 release behavior that some of us fine tuned and spent time perfecting. History worked flawlessly every time in whichever browser or interface we used to access HA. Maybe the problem here was the submission as a “feature request”, maybe it should have been a bug report since the previous functionality is not working anymore according to the documentation.

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Sadly, this issue was discussed in some detail in the 2022.7 beta prior to release. You can check it out on the Home Assistant #beta channel on Discord on 6/30. Based on the discussions, it appears Zack Barrett spearheaded the changes to History. After some push back, he did concede

I’m not against adding a button/checkbox to show all eventually but I don’t think it will make this release with the time we have left. I dont want to add something that selects all and turns the UI completely useless…

I guess some of us have different definitions of “useless”. In that discussion, “All” was clearly defined as a return to previous behavior, not every single entity which was, apparently, what uninitiated users were seeing and unhappy with.

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History Explorer Card. For those of us who prefilter our data by specifying entities in configuration history: the history explorer card is the way to go. I’ve replaced the now useless history panel with history explorer and won’t be going back. Thanks to Alex for this ‘historic’ contribution to HA.

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Hi, I use it myself but is not the same for me at least. I use it as a workaround for the missing all entities capability since 2022.7 update. If I use the way I used the History is too slow in my browser, takes forever to fill the page. Believe it or not, with the History before 2022.7 update I didn’t had the issue.

Still missing in 2022.10.2

Since there is this WTH Month campaign, I just voted here also:
WTH is there not an option on the History page to view all entities? - Month of “What the heck?!” - Home Assistant Community (


I’m losing hope regarding this… It’s the way it is, we can not always rely on the features you use, they may be removed one release or the other unfortunately.

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what Zack meant was, that the toggle to show all would be simple probably, but in the current state of the view, it would also show a button for all of those entities. rendering it in fact useless…

too bad indeed we didnt see any followup on the matter btw, I never looked back to be honest, and when I need it I check the history-explorer card for the few entities I do need

Sure, because the current entity bubbles are a complete waste of space.There was nothing wrong with the way it worked before, except to the user unwilling to put in a little effort. Instead of fixing the default “show all” that lazy users complained about, they decided to force you to pick your entities one at a time, the opposite of the way the rest of us had to filter the default “show all” list ever since History became a thing in HA.

Plus, the code already exists, and it should be trivial to NOT display those useless bubbles when a user selects ALL (to display what is defined in Recorder/History YAML). But it appears somebody, somewhere isn’t willing to admit they were wrong.

That’s the most disappointing part for me. The bigger Nabu Casa gets, the less of a community Home Assistant feels to me. I now approach upgrades with a feeling of dread of what’s not going to work any longer rather than with the sense of excitement I used to feel. I don’t even beta test any more. I feel a lot of feedback on anything but bugs is ignored out of hand.


Same here, now I delay upgrades until I have nothing better to do and always afraid of missing some functionality or feature I’m used to. I’m one unhappy camper now…

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Just thought I’d share my personal solution to this, since it doesn’t seem to be getting any traction, despite it being a feature regression with no option for users to provide it back even optionally without jumping through a bunch of hoops.

This is how I’ve provided the same old experience for myself (and FWIW I don’t have any trouble loading all my entities in under a couple seconds, with a multi-day lookback):

  1. Create a notify file-logger in your configuration.yaml:
  - platform: file
    name: entity_log
    filename: /config/www/entity_log.txt
    timestamp: false
  1. Add a script that writes all your entities to the above file notifier:
  alias: "Print Entities To File"
    - service: notify.entity_log
        message: >
          {% for state in states %}{{- state.entity_id -}}%2C{% endfor %}
  1. Run the above script
  2. In your file editor, open the listed logfile and copy the entire list of entities
  3. Add a custom panel in your configuration.yaml that links to the full history page, with all the entities available to be viewed:
  - name: Full History
    sidebar_title: Full History
    sidebar_icon: mdi:clock
    url_path: "history?entity_id={paste your list of entities here}"
    module_url: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js
    embed_iframe: true
    require_admin: true

You’ll occasionally have to update your list, but it’s as quick as running the script and doing a quick copy-paste when you want to update your “all” history view. Definitely not as good as a “Show All” checkbox would be on the history page, but better than using a dedicated History Explorer (that I’ve had nothing but performance problems with) or having to add and remove entities one at a time, and definitely better than having nothing at all.

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Workaround which works wonderful for me,
Lovelace-Card auto-entities from hacs, displayed in a panel view

type: custom:auto-entities
    - {}
  exclude: []
  type: history-graph


Hello Mr ransel …
This seems to be a good solution and I am trying to implement it, but for some reason I am struggling with creating a notify file-logger in my configuration.yaml; it doesn’t create the file and then the script can’t fine notify. It looks like the notify function in YAML isn’t recognized when I restart HA although I just copied and pasted the code you provided … I must be doing something wrong, but haven’t been able to figure it out so far …

Thanks for sharing this.

I’m not sure how to use this. Is it a Dashboard? A Card on an existing Dashboard. Entering this text anywhere doesn’t seem to work for me. Any advice? Did you ever get the scroll bars working like you wanted?

It’s code for a custom dashboard; you will have to make sure you have the helper and a couple of custom cards from HACS installed to make use of it. Also, you may have to tweak how the code is arranged in the raw configuration editor.

it’s a view, in panel mode

I do have some iterations made, and scroll yes

- title: History domains
  icon: mdi:history
  path: history_domains
  type: panel
    - type: entities
        - entity: input_number.history_span
        - entity: input_select.domain
        - type: custom:hui-element
          card_type: entities
            - type: custom:config-template-card
                - input_number.history_span
                - input_select.domain
                span: states['input_number.history_span'].state
                domain: states['input_select.domain'].state
                type: custom:auto-entities
                  type: history-graph
                  hours_to_show: ${span}
                    style: |
                      ha-card {
                        box-shadow: none;
                        margin: 8px -16px 0px -16px;
                    - domain: ${domain}
            style: |
              ha-card {
                box-shadow: none;
              .card-content {
                max-height: 800px;
                overflow-y: scroll;

or use the great history-explorer-card as panel mode:

- title: History
  icon: mdi:history
  path: history
  type: panel

    - type: custom:history-explorer-card
      cardName:  history-panel-view
      showUnavailable: false
      recordedEntitiesOnly: true
      lineMode: stepped
        selector: top
        toolbar: both

Some small additional tips to make the history explorer card easier to use in panel mode, as well as making it more like the old history, for those who prefer.

Make the top controls sticky, so you keep easy access to the navigation UI when you have lots of entities added and have to scroll a lot vertically:

  selector: top
  toolbar: both
  sticky: top

Add an auto refresh option if you want the graphs to follow the database changes and show the current entity values in the label too (showUnavailable is false by default, so you don’t have to specify it):

    - type: custom:history-explorer-card
      cardName:  history-panel-view
      recordedEntitiesOnly: true
      lineMode: stepped
      showCurrentValues: true
        automatic: true

By default, the built-in history only loads the last 3 hours of data, while the history explorer loads between 24h and 48h. So it might be slower on open (but you see more !). If you prefer the built-in behavior, add this to the config:

defaultTimeRange: 3h

Long term statistics support is automatically enabled by default, so you will get the long term data merged into the history for sensors that support it.

Also make sure to get the latest version of the card, there have been significant performance enhancements.

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thank you so very much for your ongoing efforts!
you make this community shine!

Sorry to be so dense, Marius, but I can’t figure out what to do to get whereever I need to paste this yaml. do I create a Dashboard, set it to Panel, and ad a Manual card? That doesn’t work. I tried ticking Sub View, and that did nothing. It say No Card Type specified. Any further details would be appreciated.

I’ll look at the history-explorer-card too since that is an actual card option listed in the table!