WTH is there not an option on the History page to view all entities?

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the update it got recently but I also liked being able to easily view all entities together.

It was oddly satisfying to be able to see a timeline of everything that had happened within a range of time. It was also handy as a way to view everything the Recorder is currently recording so I could identify which stuff I wanted to exclude.

I second that, as per this (duplicate) request: WTH can't I see all entities from recorder history in History view?

On multiple ocasions the history tab was the way that I found I should exclude a certain entity from the recorder because of a lot of useless data. A couple of times I noticed that I accidentally renamed all of my phone’s sensors because of a mistake (which broke all of my automations). The new page feels like it has that functionality taken away and I haven’t been able to enjoy it because of that.

Current solution requires user to know the entity name/ID he wants to display. In case user doesn’t know/remember the name, finding such entity will require more effort and time, then just ‘displaying all’, scrolling though and “scanning” the page.

For previous discussions prior to this WTH Month campaign, see here:
View All Option in History - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

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I second this, this are the same reasons I miss the capability of having an option to see all entities in History like I could do before release 2022.7.