Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

Hi All,
I’ve been messing about a bit this last couple of hours and I ended up trying the “Powermaster Remote Programmer” (PRP) but in a bit of a special way. I’m using PRP version 10.0.8 which is pretty old but works OK, from here.

As you may all know I have my alarm connected up using an IP Ethernet connection. But the PRP uses RS232 I hear you say. So I ran com0com (here) on my PC, this creates 2 virtual com devices on my windows PC, lets call them COM1 and COM2. I wrote some python code (I can upload if anyone is interested) to act as a bridge between COM1 and the alarm panel. I then executed PRP and connected it to COM2 and it actually worked. In fact, using my python code I was able to peek at the various messages going to and from the panel.

Think of it like this
PRP <> COM2 <> com0com <> COM1 <> My python <> Ethernet <> My USR-TCP232-E <> Panel

Up to and including “My python” is running on my Windows PC.

Have I explained this OK?

The main thing I have learnt is that it does not go in to powerlink mode, PRP does everything in standard mode, including the EPROM download. I didn’t know I could do this from standard mode and all other alarm plugins for various other devices and setups that I’ve looked at only request the EPROM data when in powerlink. I’ve got some thinking to do!

I’ve looked and I can extract the user code from the EPROM data so that the alarm can be set without going in to powerlink mode.

Having said all that, I need to think about this and how I can incorporate my new findings in to the HA Component itself.

Have fun

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Hi Sosandstrom i have a Visoniv powermax + / Powermax plus just like the one you show in the Picture.

Did you managed to connect the powermax working with Home Assistant with the

I have notice that the 2 first pins have voltage (5v other times 2,7v)

but reading this link
FTDI TTL232R-3V3 to Visonic PowerMax

Online information on RS232 communication with a Visonic PowerMax Plus/Pro home security system describes the pinout of a 10-pin header. The photograph below shows the 4-pin RS232 interface of a regular PowerMax system. Counting from left to right, the RXD (yellow wire) of the FTDI TTL 3V3 cable connects to pin 2. Pin 3 is used for TXD (orange wire). The fourth pin is used for ground (black wire).

how did you connect the USR-TCP232-E2 ?

Hi Sergio,
I’ve tried almost all combinations of the 4-pins, including the one suggested by the article, without success. I’ve also tried the 38k baud rate, but no luck.


This seems unusual to me. Do you mean the first two pins on the panel, or the USR module? Is the USR communicating with the panel during the 2,7 volt measurements?

CorjanV indicates he sees 5 volt logic levels on his PowerMax system. I’ve posted about potential incompatibilities when using 3.3 volt logic levels of a USR module to communicate with a 5 volt system. Have you made any measurements to confirm you have a 5 volt system? If so, have you considered trying the level translators I’ve suggested?

A remote possibility is that the sense of the signals might be inverted. When in an idle state with no communication, the Tx at each end should be driving a high logic level.

See for more details.

FYI: Be aware we should not communicating with traditional RS-232 levels, which are bipolar and typically appear on a 9-pin subminiature D connector. We are using logic levels per the above linked reference. I have seen posted pictures of RS-232 converters which should not be used with Visonic panels unless connecting to interfaces specifically intended to communicate with the RS-232 ports on older Windows (or DOS) computers.

This is good news. Perhaps you can eventually figure out how to work with partitions.

So, if I can get the same configuration operational, might I be able to figure out whether there’s a command to set the clock of a PowerMaster 10? Does V10.0.8 support the unit?

This seems unusual to me. Do you mean the first two pins on the panel, or the USR module? Is the USR communicating with the panel during the 2,7 volt measurements?

The 2 first pins on the powermax

The USR is unable to work with 2,7 Volts

The PRP Software seems to give different settings depending on the panel that is connected so you would need to try it (I only have one panel but I’ve seen pictures in the user manual that are different to mine). I also don’t know if it supports a PowerMaster 10. Not much help, sorry. The only way would be to try it and see.

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I might expect steady 5 volts on at least one of the pins. The 2,7 volts might appear on an unterminated (i.e. not connected) Rx pin. Still, 5 volts would indicate the panel is using 5 volt logic. There is no guarantee the 3.3 logic from the USR module will work considering the differences in the logic levels. Moreover, there is the possibility that a 5 volt Tx signal from the alarm system can damage the Rx input on the USR.

The proper thing to do is use a logic level translator between the USR and panel. It assumes you have the skill to assemble and debug the interface. I’ll try to help if you have the patience to do it.

Thanks Pocket !! :smiley:

Hi guys
Please tell me the settings USR.
My custom modules came.
The wiring diagram now looks like this:
Raspberry Pi3-router - usr-c215b - Powermax Plus
Powermax Plus managed to make friends with usr-c215b according to this scheme:
USR-C215b + Logic Level Converter + HLK-PM03 +
S09 DC-DC Automatic Module Step Up + PowemaxPlus.
What was possible: Detect WiFi module. Now you can change the settings.
With the help of USR Test (Android version), it was possible to understand that the module is working (Which is not bad, considering that DIY-Frankenstein has turned out).

  1. How further to understand that Powermax is connected correctly?
  2. How to set IP? IP router
  3. Do I need to forward ports on the router?

Set the logger options to debug. See Dave’s post:

Assuming the USR and interfaces are wired and configured correctly, you should start seeing the communication info in the system log.

You shouldn’t need to. Forwarding ports is typically used for external (WAN) connections, not internal non-routable addresses. Port forwarding is also risky. If you’re not careful, it can result in exposing your internal network to the world. If you need remote access, consider the benefits of Nabu Casa; you won’t need port forwarding.

Since the HA update to the structure of custom Components, you need the logger entry like this in your configuration.yaml file

  default: critical
    custom_components.visonic: debug
    custom_components.visonic.pyvisonic: debug
    custom_components.visonic.alarm_control_panel: debug
    custom_components.visonic.binary_sensor: debug
    custom_components.visonic.switch: debug
    custom_components.visonic.__init__: debug

Let us know if we can help further

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Just a thought, can you “ping” the usr-c215b from the Ras Pi?

Here’s what I envision with a bidirectional logic level converter. There are some options for wiring the supply voltages from other sources, but the drawing assumes individual power supplies.


I managed to connect using Visonic PowerMaster Remote Programmer. And even read the data. There were two problems like a defective logic level converter (2 channels). The DC-DC temperature was 73 degrees due to it.
I changed the converter to 4 channels and it all worked.
But the breadboard is not very convenient. No stability. I think to transfer to the PCB.

Yes, everything is in order. Ping passes.
Thank you all very much for your participation.
I will return to the project when I buy the mockups. Otherwise, I’m getting annoyed.:grinning:

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Veroboard may be an option for you as well

Yes! You can find the material on ebay or Amazon.

I have updated and uploaded the Component version to 0.2.0 to Github here.

Although this is not a breaking change (you do not need to alter your configuration), I have radically changed the startup control flow.

Please read the whole Github page about the startup sequence, about Standard Plus mode etc etc. before updating this Component in your setup, perhaps keeping a backup of the previous Component version. If you are not feeling brave and want to wait until others have tried it I completely understand. Having said all that, it works more reliably than ever on my setup :grinning:

As always, let me know if you try this version and what results you get, good or bad. Any problems then upload your log files, using the “logger” settings that I provide on the Github page.

Have fun, that’s what it’s all about :grinning:

Hey, just wanted to say v0.2 works great on my powermaster 30. I can now arm without code and that’s automatically recognised.
Thank you