Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

I use the powermax status messages to drive the data in the sensors, if the panel knows about the battery level in a sensor then that should come through to the integration in HA.

The Panel Status will come through as these attributes

Also look at the attribute Panel Last Event.

I also generate an HA event as described here as alarm_panel_state_update. See note 2 in that part of the wiki, specifically data set B for panel events including “Communications Failure” and “Telephone Line Failure” for example.

Let me know if I can help with specific things that you’re looking for


Hey Dave

Have been happily using the integration for a long while now and it’s always been rock solid stability wise in Powerlink mode. I had to power down the panel for some maintenance work recently, and followed the procedure of shutting down HA, allowing the board to come up first and settle for a few minutes before powering HA back up. Unfortunately, for some reason now, the integration makes it to Download mode, then drops back to standard. I have tried a few power cycles, but for some reason I cannot get powerlink mode anymore.

Have attached logs here:

Any help much appreciated. The board is a Powermaster 10 running on firmware

At first glance it’s rejecting the default 5650 download code.
I realise that you’ve used this successfully before but just try disabling the integration for 5 or 10 minutes to allow the panel to timout the connection and then set the download code to “AAAA” in your config and start HA, let me know what happens. In the mean time I’ll keep looking through your log file.

@davesmeghead - I agree, 100% rock solid. Neither a network outage, nor rebooting the router or rebooting the host server cause issues, all scenarios make it out the other end without the component scathed.

Grand job!


From a UI perspective, does anyone have any screenshots of how they’ve created their lovelace card(s) for this component. I’ve gone with the following:

I’d be interested to see other ideas.

(I’ve renamed mine to “Home Security System” because the default name contains the word “Alarm”, and with my GA integration “Alarm” is often mistaken for the Alarm Clock/Timer/Reminder.)

last row shows 2 by passed sensors, i can by pass low battery or opened/triggered sensors simply by clicking on them, and unbypass them also by a single click.

How do your notifications work exactly? What is the purpose for them? Do you have messages sent to your phone?

Notification Ext allows me to receive messages on my phone if a sensor in my garden is activated after 22:00, even if alarm is not armed.
Notification Mode absence/away send a notification on triggered sensor day or night whatever the time is if panel is armed or if disarmed but switch activated.
Visonic Int(for my indoor sensors) and Visonic all aren’t used, i should remove them.
Notifiaction message is format to give concerned sensor name in subject and some usefull panel attributes in body.

Hi Dave,

The issue popped up again…luckily the alarm beeps when it happens, because the connections fails a few times and a reconnect takes place. Luckily i got the deubug logs this time.

After a few reconnects the component fails…

It looks like a tcp/ip issue since the log states connection reset by server. I assume the USR-TCP232-E2 im using is causing this, but not sure. I rebooted home assistant, that did the trick before, but the issue kept occuring. Rebooting the module now, see i that helps. Just to be sure, I ordered a new module (thought about getting a spare anyway :slight_smile:)

Hope you can make anything out of it.

Edit: pretty sure this is the module: I mirrored the port on my switch and hooked a wireshark machine to it. At the moment the issue happens, i can see all traffic stopping.

after 30 seconds i see dhcp traffic for the module, so pretty sure it rebooted there. After checking the webserver on the module the uptime counter confirmed this. I guess after 3 years or so the module doenst like the 3.3V instead of 3 the Powermax is using.

I have the previous version to this and luckily mine has been pretty solid for several years now. I used to use a wireless version but that kept dropping out.

Try giving it a static address, it should at least recover quicker.

I had a quick look at your log file and the connection does keep dropping out, When I detect the disconnection I try to recover but that gets interrupted with the next disconnection, they are happening fairly regularly.
Let me know if you make any progress

Hi Dave, I have scrolled through the topic. And havent found the answer to my question. I suspect, it must be somewhere but I cannot find it. I am using your integration for a long time. It’s rock-solid and I love it! Thanks.

I want to extent the use of the integration. I want to use the window sensors in an event to lower the thermostat in a room when the window opens. When I look at the devices I see quit a list. But in that list there are devicetypes which are not correct; smoke alarm for what should be a motion sensor for example.

What should I do to fix this? It’s not a huge issue, but I prefer the correct device types if possible :slight_smile:

Example of one of the devices.

and the information about the panel

code_format: number
changed_by: null
code_arm_required: true
Panel Mode: Powerlink
Protocol Version:
Watchdog Timeout: 0
Download Timeout: 0
Panel Last Event: Disarm / User 01
Panel Last Event Data:
  Zone: 0
  Entity: null
  Tamper: false
  Siren: false
  Reset: false
  Time: '2021-01-22T07:38:33.996672'
  Count: 1
    - 85
    - 39
    - Disarm
    - User 01
Panel Alarm Status: None
Panel Trouble Status: None
Panel Siren Active: false
Panel Status: Disarmed
Panel Status Code: 0
Panel Ready: 'Yes'
Panel Alert In Memory: 'No'
Panel Trouble: 'No'
Panel Bypass: 'No'
Panel Status Changed: 'No'
Panel Alarm Event: 'No'
Panel Armed: 'No'
Power Master: 'No'
Panel Model: PowerMax Pro
Panel Type: 2
Model Type: 22
Panel Name: PowerMax HW-V9_4_5_02 Pro
Set Voice Option: Enable Voice
Auto Arm Option: Disable
Auto Arm Time: '12:00'
Squawk Option: Disable
Time Format: Europe - 24H
Date Format: Europe DD/MM/YYYY
Entry Delay 1: 30 Seconds
Entry Delay 2: 30 Seconds
Exit Delay: 30 Seconds
Bell Time: 3 Minutes
Abort Time: 1 Minute
Alarm Cancel Time: Inactive
Quick Arm: 'Off'
Bypass: No Bypass
Exit Mode: Restart Exit
Piezo Beeps: Enable
Trouble Beeps: Disable
Panic Alarm: Audible Panic
Swinger Stop: After 2 Times
Cross Zoning: 'Off'
Supevision Interval: 4 Hours
Not Ready: Normal
Auxiliary Keyfob Button function 1: PGM/X-10
Auxiliary Keyfob Button function 2: System Status
Jamming Detection: EN 30/60
Latchkey Arming: 'Off'
No Activity Time: Disable
Back Light Time: Off After 10 Seconds
Duress: '2580'
Piezo Siren: 'On'
Reset Option: User Reset
Tamper Option: 'Off'
Siren On Line: Disable on Fail
Memory Prompt: Enable
Disarm Option: Any Time
Bell Report Option: Others
Low Battery Acknowledge: 'On'
Screen Saver: Reset By Code
Confirm Alarm Timer: 60 Minutes
AC Failure Report: 30 Minutes
User Permit: Disable
Autotest Time: '12:00'
Autotest Cycle: Disable
1st Account No: '001234'
2nd Account No: 005678
Report Format: SIA
4/2 Pulse Rate: 20 pps
Report to Central Station: All but Open/Close * Backup
Report Confirmed Alarm: Disable Report
Send 2wv Code: Don't Send
Two-Way Voice To Central Stations: Disable
Ringback Time: 1 Minute
Central Station Dialing Attempts: '8'
1st Ringback Tel No: '<wont show this ;)>'
2nd Ringback Tel No: '<wont show this ;)>'
3rd Ringback Tel No: '<wont show this ;)>'
4th Ringback Tel No: '<wont show this ;)>'
Two-Way Voice - Private Phones: Enable
Reporting To Private Tel: Alarms
Report To Pager: Disable Report
Recent Close Report: 'Off'
Remote Access: 'On'
Zone Restore: Report Restore
Upload Option: Any Time
Dialing Method: Tone (DTMF)
Line Failure Report: Don't Report
System Inactive Report: Disable
Ambient Level: Low Level
GSM Install: Not Installed
GSM Report to SMS: Alarms
GSM Line Failure: Don't Report
GSM Line Purpose: SMS Only
GSM Select Antenna: Internal antenna
PowerLink Failure: Disable Report
PGM Pulse Time: 30 Seconds
PGM By Arm Away: Disable
PGM By Arm Home: Disable
PGM By Disarm: Disable
PGM By Memory: Disable
PGM By Delay: Disable
PGM By Keyfob: Disable
PGM By Line Fail: 'No'
PGM Act Zone A: Disable
PGM Act Zone B: Disable
PGM Act Zone C: Disable
Internal/Strobe Siren: Internal Siren
X10 House Code: O
X10 Flash On Alarm: No Flash
X10 Trouble Indication: Disable
X10 Report on Fail to Central Station 1: Disable
X10 Report on Fail to Central Station 2: Disable
X10 Report on Fail to Pager: Disable
X10 Report on Fail to Private: Disable
X10 Report on Fail to SMS: Disable
'X10 Lockout Time (start HH:MM)': '07:00'
X10 3 Phase and frequency: Disable
Panel Serial: 1B010A70C8.
Panel Eprom: J-700355 v4.6.06
Panel Software: JS701192 v4.6.06
Door Zones: Z03
Motion Zones: 'Z04,Z07,Z11,Z14,Z15'
Smoke Zones: 'Z01,Z02,Z09,Z13'
Other Zones: ''
Devices: 'X01,X02,X03,X04,K100'
Client Version:
Exception Count: 0
friendly_name: Visonic Alarm
supported_features: 7

edit: I see some zones being configured as smoke zones. I’ll try changing these. And for now keep this post for anyone who in future has similar issues.

Hi and thankyou

There are 2 options:

  1. Upload the first 800 lines of a debug log file. From that I can see the model type of the sensors that you have as they are reported from the alarm panel. If you then tell me what models they are in real life e.g. “MC-302 PG2” is a magnet sensor, I can automatically associate them in the integration. Oh yeah, this assumes that you’re achieving Standard Plus or Powerlink Mode. If you only get to Standard Mode (or you force Standard Mode in the config) then 2 is your only option, see next
  2. You can locally override the device type as shown on the wiki here. The possible device class settings are here. This should also work in Standard Mode.

It’s up to you really.

First of all fix the device type as above to make sure the state is correct.
Then you can use automations in state from within HA itself.
Look in “developer tools” and find the binary sensor. look at the state for the sensors you’re using and then create the automation from HA.

Hope it goes well :wink:

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Hey Dave. Just to reply, this worked. My code seems to have magically changed to AAAA, not entirely sure why/how as the integration has never been deleted

I’m not sure why either, I’ve seen it before though. The alarm panel might identify the old code as obsolete and reject it, it might be that it’s a new code and just accepts it. It’s not the integration, it’s the panel being weird (again).
Anyway, I’m pleased it’s working again

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New Release

There are a number of code simplifications but this release contains a facility to send Home Assistant Notifications to the Frontend.

I have added a configurable Home Assistant Notification that informs the user of certain operations ongoing within the Integration. These are optional but default to providing Connection Problems and a notification when the Siren is sounding.
Please see the wiki here, specifically “List of Trigger for HA Notification” and also note 7 is new.
Go to the integrations page for this integration and select “Options”. You should see a new selection for “List of triggers for Home Assistant Notifications”. It is a multi select, similar to the option for the List of triggers for the Siren.
As it says on the wiki, it will only generate 1 notification at a time, you must dismiss it before you get future notifications.

Other notable changes:

  • I have simplified the code for Panel Arm and Disarm (no functional changes other than better protection from error conditions).
  • Similarly, I have simplified the code for Sensor Bypass (no functional changes other than better protection from error conditions).
  • I have added the HA Entity “Changed By” properly. This refers to the device that last changed the panel state.
  • I have changed the output log file settings to ensure that the pin code is not revealed in the log file. In very specific circumstances this could have previously happened when performing sensor bypass.
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New Release

It seems that for some users, sending a STOP command to the panel when it is not in the download state gets an Access Denied response from the panel (and a Notification in the Frontend of Home Assistant).
It doesn’t do this on my panel but I’ve got a report of problems so I have made a bug fix release

Please remove the visonic configuration from your configuration.yaml file as this relies on the integration settings within Home Assistant. If you leave these configuration settings it will no longer work.

It is also a HACS release.

I fear these are more basic questions on my part, but here goes.

Where do I find the release number? Will I get a notification of an update, like HA version or Host OS, or will the integration update automatically?

I just changed one of the options in the integration and had to do a hard reset after the panel lost connection and a restart didn’t work. Is this to be expected and will updates need the same?

I continue to be in awe of @davesmeghead for the amount of work he’s put into this. Since moving to the integration a couple of months ago my install has been so much more robust. Thank you so much.

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@davesmeghead. I upgraded the integration and now get the following error message;

Invalid config for [visonic]: Connection Problems is not a valid option for dictionary value @ data[‘visonic’][‘panel_state_notifications’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 194).

My Configuration file contains the following;

    type: usb
    path: '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_UC232R_FTYNWOMP-if00-port0'
  motion_off: 120
  language: 'EN'
  force_standard: 'no'
  sync_time: 'yes'
  allow_remote_arm: 'yes'
  allow_remote_disarm: 'yes'
  override_code: !secret alarm_override_code
  arm_without_usercode: 'yes'

Is there something that I’m missing?

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You can’t from within Home Assistant as they don’t like integration authors doing things like that :frowning:

You can set the logger settings to debug and look in the log file for these 2 lines

[custom_components.visonic.pyvisonic] Initialising Protocol - Protocol Version
[custom_components.visonic.client] Initialising Client - Version

That tells me all I need to know :slight_smile:

You will only get a notification if you use HACS I believe (as I don’t use it).
The integration will not update automatically.
You may be able to put a notification from the page in Github that emails you when I upload a new version.

These 2 refer to the same issue.

What version of Home Assistant are you using?
I must admit that I have assumed that everyone would be running a version of HA that supports integrations.
I think that you may still have a visonic configuration in the configuration.yaml file. Please remove it as I rely on the integrations page now within HA. Your configuration.yaml file is no longer used for this integration.
I will update the Wiki to state this fact. I previously imported the settings the first time but after that it will use the integrations settings directly within HA.