Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

And another version to Github. Took a bit longer this time but we are getting further.

Same again, give it a try and upload a log file please.

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Anyone out there using this intergration with an iPhone?

If so have you got Siren sounding messages being sent to your home screen, if so can you please help with the setup.

I’ve managed to get notifications for arming/disarming etc but not anything that shows as a persitant notification within the app

You’re correct, it should be this visonic_alarm_panel_state_update

Apologies, I just didn’t spot it, thankyou. I’ll also update the wiki.

Now we are really getting somewhere :slight_smile: I can see all 18 sensors in the integration and it is now recognising in developer tools as Powerlink.

So really beutiful work :grinning: I have added the lastest log file, but this is really looking promising!AuPv-yeXP33MhJMMHlEnHjJ4hqGZWQ?e=4lZUCk

Thanks Dave much appreciated for your continued help. Changed my automations and “hey presto” they are now working.

Just to tackle the iphone issue now :frowning:

Yeah the log file looks good. I’ve made a few tweaks and now the changes are only for your panel type i.e. PM33 model 71. Let’s see if anyone else has problems. I’ll update the wiki to claim that it works with a PM33 now :slight_smile:

Just a few more things

  • Can you check the attributes on all the entities (alarm entity and the sensor entities), just to make sure they have sensible settings. If not then let me know.
  • You can go back in to the integration “options” on the HA integrations page and update the settings. As you have a PowerMaster it will ask you about B0 processing, enable it and give it a try.
  • If you find that sensor triggers aren’t coming through properly, there are settings on the Panel itself to turn off battery saving mode for the sensors so they don’t go to sleep when the panel is not armed. It uses more battery in the sensors, that’s the downside.

If you get chance I’d appreciate one more re-install as I’ve just uploaded another version to Github (and then go and turn on B0 processing again).
I’ll leave this one on Github for a while and let’s see if other PM33 users go for it :slight_smile:

Thanks for all your help :crazy_face:

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This is just FYI:

There are a bunch of differences between EU and USA versions beyond operation frequencies. They are specific to what can be changed by the user versus the installer, or which timing values and behaviors are loaded by default. Details are in the installer manuals.

I have just updated it now :slight_smile: and are looking through it, so far with no errors, so you really made my day.

I will let you know if something should not work as expected, and should you need anything that you want testet on powermaster 33, please let me know :slight_smile:

When looking at a windor or door sensor, i get the following. Not sure what device armed means, but that particular window is open right now.

Another detail though, the battery level is faulty, i know a few of the sensors have batteries that are about 1 year old, and that usually means they will cry for a new battery within the next month, but all sensors show as battery level 100 :slight_smile: But this is details.

Device name:Z01
Sensor type: Magnet
Zone type:7
Zone name:Kitchen
Zone type name:Perimeter
Zone chime:Off
Zone tripped:No
Zone tamper:No
Device tamper:No
Zone open:Yes
Visonic device:1
Device tripped:False
Battery level:100
Device armed:True
Last tripped time:2021-02-21 21:53:31.8

On the alarm panel i can see a huge list now compared to before, i haven’t worked myself through all the attributes yet, but safe to say, there are way more details now than i have ever seen before.

Have added the, haven’t seen any differences on anything so far, but will let you know if i notice anything

I will test sensors etc in the next few days :slight_smile: but the ones i just tested seems speedy enough to update.

Done this now, and are having this one enabled now.

:slight_smile: again, thanks a lot for the huge effort, it’s much appreciated, and again, if you need to test something on a 33 again, please feel free to let me know :slight_smile:

Update: So, i hit a limit in this board and could not send a reply until now - so that was unexpected :stuck_out_tongue:

But i just had a fun/tragic experience… I tried adding this from my test HA to the Prod HA, the result was… how should i put it… everything but impressive. Instead of 18 sensors, it found 81.

The test HA was still running, so not sure if they went into conflict or anything, but my prod HA kinda blew up in my face.

if you feel like you wan’t to have a peek of what happened, the log file can be found here. I’m gonna play a bit around with my prod one and see if i can find out what happened.!AuPv-yeXP33MhJMRggiX64A0gTVywA?e=2cduQn


A sensor can be armed or bypassed. A bypassed sensor will be “ignored” then the panel is armed (so you could leave a window open for example when you go out and arm the system).
You can bypass using your panel and there is also an HA service that you can use.

It isn’t. The battery level I get from the panel is 1 for good or 0 for bad. So I set the % to 100 or 0.

If a device type isn’t what you want (like magnet sensors being door or window) you can customise the device type in Home Assistant.

I’ll take a peek and see what’s happening
Thanks again

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Ahh, have never used it, but thanks for the explanation :slight_smile:

Yea, have played around with the types, just expected it to be like most other devices that deliver it as a percentage :slight_smile: But thanks for the explanation.

But that means i can simply search for those with a 0 when i wan’t to know where are battery change is due

No rush :slight_smile: I have been considering moving to another HA because the current one has been experienced quite a lot one. It was the same reason i build the clean one for testing, because i wanted to be sure it wasen’t old conf. that broke the integration.

So don’t push for this one, but it could be interesting to know what happened to it.

Just had a quick look and there’s message corruption and CRC errors all over the place, just confusion.

Did you say you have 2 HA client integration connecting to the same panel, that would do it.

Hi Dave

Yea, at the time of this log i had, it was when i tried to implement the update on my normal HA. And it makes sense i guess :slight_smile:

deactivated one of them, and everything is working since :slight_smile:

OK that’s good to know, let’s see how it goes and let me know if you have any problems with it. I’ve put it into my own production HA and give it a week or so and I’ll do a more formal release.

I’ve just uploaded release to Github and made it a formal release so HACS users should see it.

In this release

  • PowerMaster 33 capability added (in beta). This panel seems to send truncated EPROM data messages so I have put in a work-around. Although we don’t get all the data we seem to get the data that we do need so it should be OK.
  • **** Breaking *** Changes to the command data for the HA Service call to Arm / Disarm the panel. If you use the Service Call to arm / disarm the panel then take a look at the wiki for the valid values. See note 1 and the table here on the wiki.
  • Removed Download EPROM HA Service, just use the restart HA Service instead

If you have any problems then post them in this thread with a debug log file

Hello, i have installed usr232 in my powermax pro but i have a issue with.
i have a message error “PERTE COM BBA” on alarm display and “Communication Timeout - Perhaps there is a problem with the connection to the Alarm Panel” in home assistant. This trouble causes no actualization of state of the alarm. If else he possible to arm and disarm without problem.


Do you have any solution for resolve this?


Alarm model: Powermax Pro
With Ethernet USR-232

It’s difficult to know what is wrong by a description, I need a debug log file.
Can you please turn on debug in the home assistant log file (in the configuration.yaml file as per this description) and upload the log file to pastebin/dropbox, then post a link in this thread.

Hi! Since this thread is kind of lenghty (“estimated read time of **556 minutes”) and I didn’t find the answer to this awkward noob question by searching, I have to ask.

I have put all neccessary files under /config/custom_components/visonic/… and when trying to add the integration from the UI there is no “Visonic Intruder Alarm” in the list of available integrations. I’ve read that there should be no manual edit of the config.yaml nowadays (?) whatsoever, so I’m keeping away. Rebooted, restarted stuff, but still nothing. Any other prerequsites, like ticking the “include custom components” box somewhere?

I’m on Home Assistant OS 5.12 with Home Assistant Core: 2021.2.3

Looking forward to get this working!


I have issues getting my alarm into Standard plus or Powerlink mode, after downloading it fails back to standard. I have a Powermaster 10 alarm connecte with a ESP8266 with ESP-link firmware. Attached is my config:

    type: ethernet
    host: IP to ESP-link
    port: 23
  motion_off: 120
  language: 'EN'
  force_standard: 'no'
  sync_time: 'yes'
  allow_remote_arm: 'yes'
  allow_remote_disarm: 'yes'
  arm_without_usercode: 'yes'
  panellog_logentry_event: 'yes'
  panellog_xml_filename: 'visonic_panel_log.xml'
  panellog_csv_filename: 'visonic_panel_log.csv'
  panellog_complete_event: 'yes'
  panellog_max_entries: 1000

Logfile is found herer:


You have 3 problems I think

First of all you are using configuration.yaml, the recent versions of this integration ignores any settings in the file and instead uses the integration settings from within Home Assistant. Any changes you are making in that config file will be ignored.

Secondly, I can see from your log file that your panel is rejecting the default download code of 5650. Can you please try to set the download code in your integration to AAAA as described here and here

Thirdly, I can see from your log file that you have “Force Auto Enroll” set to Off, can you please tick this setting when you setup this integration as here
EDIT: It is now called “Auto Enroll Supported” as it confused some users.

If this doesn’t work for you then please capture and upload another log file.


I can’t think of anything, just check the spellings. Do you have any other custom components and do they work?

After you put the files in the correct place then you will need to restart Home Assistant for it to pick up the custom component.

From where your configuration.yaml file is located there should be a “custom_components” directory and then a “visonic” directory. In the visonic directory there should be lots of files with a “.py” extension (as well as a few other files).

You are correct, this integration does not use the configuration.yaml file for its settings.

Let me know if I can do anything to help but it should pick up custom components.