Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

Thank you very much @davesmeghead ! It’s working now. Appreciate your help.

Really appreciate the clarification.

Spelling and all was correct so I had to look for other causes. It turned out to be the manifest.json file having windows line endings, making HA confused? I ‘wgot’ the from github and unziped it locally on the HA, so I guess the mainfest file is formatted that way in it’s original form since I did not (knowingly) edit it myself. Maybe something to fix if that’s not intended…

Now the integration shows up in the list!

FYI: This now appears in home-assistant.log after a recent update:

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] No ‘version’ key in the manifest file for custom integration ‘visonic’. This will not be allowed in a future version of Home Assistant. Please report this to the maintainer of ‘visonic’

Hi Rob, yeah I saw that myself so I updated the manifest file as per the HA instructions and uploaded a new version to Github a few days ago, I didn’t announce it here as that’s all I changed and it didn’t seem worth it really. As it’s a warning and not critical I just left it for now. If you want to remove the warning then try the new github release.

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Hi Per
Did you get it to work with the device you linked to (this)? I have the exact same setup and are also in Sweden, so I would just like to know before I order.


I just installed this great custom component to control my Visonic Powermax+ from HA.

I was not able to get it working in de powerLink mode, just in standard mode. I can now arm and disarm my alarm, that is working. The learning in Powerlink mode does not work, I have tried it numerous times by trying:

Enter  the  "USER  SETTING"  menu. 
Choose "DEFINE PWRLNK" and "Install". 
Press "Show/OK".

But I don’t have any sensors in HA. In the log file I see:

2021-03-18 16:43:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Error while setting up visonic platform for binary_sensor

I installed it via integrations and I have set auto-enroll to no.
The state of the alarm panel is listen below:

ode_format: null
changed_by: None
code_arm_required: false
Panel Mode: Standard
Protocol Version:
Watchdog Timeout (Total): 0
Watchdog Timeout (Past 24 Hours): 0
Download Timeout: 0
Panel Last Event: None
Panel Last Event Data:
  Zone: 0
  Entity: null
  Tamper: false
  Siren: false
  Reset: false
  Time: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.0'
  Count: 0
  Type: []
  Event: []
  Mode: []
  Name: []
Panel Alarm Status: None
Panel Trouble Status: None
Panel Siren Active: false
Panel Status: Uitgeschakeld
Panel Status Code: Disarmed
Panel Ready: 'Yes'
Panel Alert In Memory: 'No'
Panel Trouble: 'No'
Panel Bypass: 'No'
Panel Status Changed: 'No'
Panel Alarm Event: 'No'
Panel Armed: 'No'
Power Master: 'No'
Panel Model: Unknown
Panel Type: null
Model Type: 0
Client Version:
Exception Count: 0
friendly_name: Visonic Alarm
supported_features: 7

Inoticed that the Panel Type is not defined, according to the wiki it should be panel type 47 for a Powermax+. I also used the python script. This scripts did do manual Powerlink enrollment en says the panel type = 33?
Anyone any idea why Powerlink learning is not working and what the errors in the log mean?

Hello and welcome,
One thing that you could try is to set the download code in the configuration, you will need to delete the integration and then create it again to be able to set the download code. Set it to something like AAAA or pick a random sequence, it just needs to be a valid 4 digit hex string.

If that doesn’t get it to powerlink in HA or set up the sensors correctly then can you set the HA logger settings like this. Please upload the log file to pastebin or dropbox and post a link to it in this thread. I’ll take a look through for you and see if I can help.

EDIT: Actually, looking back at your post I see that there’s a problem with the sensors in standard mode so can you upload a log file anyway so I can see what’s going wrong with the sensor install please.

Here you go:

I checked all the menus on my PowerMax+ and I noticed that I have setup a installation Code. Can this be of and influence?

You do not need to use your installer code with this integration. This is not the same as the download code.

I’ve looked at your log file and you are setting “Force Standard Mode” when you configure the integration. As it is in standard mode, it looks like you get your sensors created though, did it create the sensors in HA correctly?

2021-03-19 10:07:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.visonic.pyvisonic] [Settings] Force Standard set to True

Please go to the integrations page within HA, delete and re-create this integration and make sure Force Standard is not ticked.


It that doesn’t work then please upload another log file.

I did Force Standard mode because PowerLink mode did not work.
After connecting in standard mode, I see no sensors at all in HA. Only the alarm panel itself is added to HA.
I will unset Force Standard Mode and generale a new log, but then nothing gets added, not even the alarm panel.

OK, I think I’ve found the problem when in Standard Mode.

Yes please, even if it doesn’t seem to work, the log file will help me.

Here is the new log file with Powerlink mode:

A lot of downloading going on, but powerlink learning does not succes, no sensors are created either.

The panel is rejecting the default download code.

Please delete the integration from within HA and then re-create it. This time, in the Download Code setting try AAAA
This 4 capital A where is says Download Code
Let me know if this works please :slight_smile:

EDIT: If AAAA doesn’t work then try another random hex set of 4 characters e.g. ABCD

Hello, goodmorning,

I tried Download code AAAA and 5650. In both cases, neither modes work (Powerlink and standard mode). Only thing which works is an empty downloadcode with Standard Mode. Everything else fails.

I did some code check in an Powermax NodeJS applet I used together with Homey (Ductch domotic product) This always worked with my Powermax+ and in the code they use Download Code 5650.

Hi Remco, I’ve just uploaded a bug fix to github (release for Standard Mode and PowerMax+ so can you please update your code from github and give this release a try please. If powerlink mode still doesn’t work then please upload another log file using a new download code that you’ve not used before.

I have cloned the new git repository and tried to get the Powerlink up and running with download code ABCD. But still same result, no sensors are added and alarm panel is not working. Enrolling from the alarm panel does not work either.

log file:

************* After waiting a few minutes the alarm started working and the sensors were added But Powerlink mode did not and PowerLink learning still does not work. This is off less concern to me anyhow. ***************

New log file:

However, 7 sensors are added, all magnetic sensors and I only have 2 PIR and 2 magnet sensors in the house ???

Thanks for your work…
Gr. Remco


Every attempt to download the EPROM data gets an “access denied” from your panel. Usually by changing the download code to something that hasn’t been used before solves it but not for your panel.

For panels that Auto Enroll (not your panel) e.g. Powermax Pro, Powermaster etc

  • When I try to download the EPROM first time if it fails then
  • I try to auto enroll, if that succeeds then download again which always succeeds
  • If auto enroll fails then I go to Standard Mode (this rarely happens)

For Powermax+ panels such as yours that would normally manually enroll

  • When I try to download the EPROM first time if it fails then
  • I wait for you (the user) to instigate manual enroll from the panel
  • If that succeeds then I try to download again, most of the time this succeeds (always within 2 or 3 attempts). In your case it fails every time and goes to Standard Mode.

There are 2 possible ways forward, both involve forcing an enroll before trying a download.

The first way (and you can try this now):
I know that I always say for a Powermax+ panel, do not set “Auto Enroll Supported” but in your case the panel is not accepting the manual enroll sequence. Please delete and re-create the integration and tick the “Auto Enroll Supported”, let’s see if your panel will accept auto enroll instead.

I’d appreciate another log file with this setting again please just to make sure.

The second way forward, if that doesn’t work, I’ll add to the code to trigger auto enroll based on when you try to manually enroll from the panel. This will be when this happens in the log file

[handle_msgtypeAB] ************************** PowerLink, Panel wants to auto-enroll but not acted on (download is not complete) **************************

And now on to the sensors themselves

The panel declares 6 sensors but in Standard Mode I do not get any more details so I default them to being “magnet” sensors, sometimes I can tell if they are “motion” but not always.

This information from your log file

Enrolled Zones 32-01: 00110001000000000000011100000000

tells me which sensors are enrolled in your panel. Count from right to left (starting at 1).
So your panel has enrolled sensors: Z09, Z10, Z11, Z25, Z29 and Z30. As far as I can tell there are 6 sensors. Z29 and Z30 are usually wired sensors. Can you check you panel settings please.

Let me know how you get on :slight_smile:


I tried again, this time with auto-enrollment on, but still does not work. After a while it goed back to standard mode and then the sensors are created.

I think you are right about the sensors. I have 4 wireless sensors and two wired sensors defind. So 6 in total.

I can live with the standard mode for now.

Your quick respons and your help is very much appreciated…thanks again.

Log file with auto-enrollment enabled and download code BBBB:

It’s very hard to get a grip of the content in this thread. So I will just ask the question.
I run my HomeAssistant Supervised on a Raspberry with the home assistant image. It sits next to my Powermaster 10. Can I connect the USB to ttl adapter to my raspberry in this case without hassle, does this image come with the necessary driver or is it easier if I get an ethernet to ttl adapter?

Hi and welcome,

I agree, as the integration is fairly mature now I may close this thread and start another.

If you can put a USB cable between your RasPi and your PM10 then yes. With the USB to TTL RS232 adapter inside the PM10, connect 3 wires: crossover Rx Tx and then the 2 Grounds together. You will need to work out the COM port that is used on the RasPi and use that in the integration configuration.
You do not need to connect using ethernet.

You have to download this visonic HA integration from Github or install it using HACS.

Good luck and post back here if you need more help :slight_smile: