Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Component

It’s working, i really really stupid i had checked this option in config.

I have uncheck this option and siren notification alert working :slight_smile:
I have however some problem with the contacts sensors and motion sensors … :confused:

Also, the siren notification on HA is doesn’t report every time and i have Trouble state on my panel “PERTE COM BBA” but it’s always possible to change state of alarm and get state of motion and contacts sensors.

Thx for helping, we are almost there.

I don’t think that is what fixed it. That only changes the way powerlink mode is performed. I suggest that you check this option in your setup for future restarts of Home Assistant (as the intergration may not always achieve powerlink mode with the panel).

I’ve looked at your log file and there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with the sensors. Can you be more specific.
There is 1 thing that is strange. The panel is indicating that Z09 has tripped the alarm before that start of this log file, is this correct?
There are various sensors tripped during the period in the log file:

  • 20:01:15 Zone 8 is triggered
  • 20:04:45 Zone 8 is triggered
  • 20:07:45 Zone 11 is triggered

I won’t list them all but they all seem OK to me.

There are 2 sensor times that you need to be aware of

  • The alarm panel itself has a timeout for the sensors. Once a sensor is triggered, it cannot be triggered again for X seconds. The X seconds depends on your panel model.
  • I set a “Motion Off Delay” of Y seconds (set in the options) that does a similar thing for Home Assistant. It will not generate another trigger for that sensor in Y seconds.

These are for all sensor types and not just PIRs.
Might this be a part of your problem?

From you log file the siren is only triggered at the start of the log file.
Some of the French text messages in the log file are mixed up and I have fixed that for the next release but the message type numbers are correct so it took me a while to sort this and work out what was going on (in English).

  • 19:55:43 You disarm the alarm. This is confirmed at 19:55:45
  • 19:55:46 You enter Installer Mode on the panel (A7 message type 144 or 0x90 in hex)

The A7 messages at 19:56:10 really confuse me as many things happen all at this time:

  • Panel is reset as you exit Installer Mode (A7 message type 96 or 0x60 in hex)
  • Panel exits Installer Mode (A7 message type 143 or 0x8F in hex)
    The above 2 things happening at the same time is normal, what confuses me is that the next 2 things happen at the same time as the 2 things above
  • You “Arm Away” the Panel (A7 message type 82 or 0x52 in hex)
  • The siren is triggered from an “Interior Alarm” (A7 message type 1 or 0x01 in hex)

You either set the alarm very quickly after exitinf installer mode on the panel or you tried setting the alarm while in installer mode and it only sets on exit. You then triggered the interior alarm straight away.

Is all of this correct?

Hi Dave,

I have finally found some time to try and setup the integration but still need some help with it. Due to the relocation of my router ethernet connection is not an option anymore so I tried the wifi route by using DOIT hardware.

I have wired the DOIT on my panel and it is powering up. DOIT is connected to my router and assigned with an IP and then I set the baud rate to 38400 (when I tried 9600 the integration failed to connect). I have added the DOIT IP and port and the integration was added to HA, however, only one device (called Visonic Alarm Panel (Partition 1)) and one entry (called Visonic Alarm) are available and the status is unknown. Then, after a while I am getting the “Integration Suspended - Failed to connect to your Visonic Alarm. We have not received any data from the panel” error.

I’ve checked what other users did when they came across this error but nothing helped. By checking the HA logger I cannot find anything particularly helpful to guide me further. Please find the logger below.

Logger: custom_components.visonic.pyvisonic
Source: custom_components/visonic/
Integration: Visonic Intruder Alarm (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 7:49:40 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:49:40 PM

[Controller] Visonic Plugin has suspended all operations, there is a problem with the communication with the panel (i.e. no data has been received from the panel)

Any ideas of what is wrong?

Thanks in advance.


Can you remind me what your panel type is please. See here for baud rate settings. Powermaster is usually 38400 and powermax is usually 9600 I think. Have you set 1 stop bit and no parity.

There is no data being received. We have to assume that the panel is not receiving any data from HA as well, although we can’t be sure. I think it’s still a hardware or a connection wiring problem. I usually defer to @pocket for hardware problems and get his help.

Hi Stefanos.

Can you confirm this is the device you are using?

Can you describe your configuration? Where are you getting your power for the module? What are the communication settings for the module?

Edit: Was it preloaded with firmware, or did you load it with anything?

@davesmeghead My panel is the Powermax Express.

Ok there was some progress. I think the issue before was that the tickbox for Powermax panels was ticked. I found that my version is so I went back to 9600 baud rate and I set the integration again. I didn’t received that error notification this time and now I can see the panel is reporting its status as disarmed. I will try to arm it in a bit to see if it is reporting the states correctly.

The are 3No. PIR sensors linked to the panel which are not available in HA, only 1 device and one entity is available. Is there a setting that I missed to sync the rest of the entities? Not a major inconvenience to be honest as the main thing I wanted from the integration is the status of the panel (armed/disarmed) and the ability to arm it remotely from HA, but it would be nice to have those too.

Hi @pocket the device that I am using is this. The configuration is the typical wiring TX->RX, RX->TX, Grnd->Grnd and 3.75v->VCC. So the device is getting power straight out of the panel.

The device was preloaded with the DOIT firmware which creates a “soft” AP to access the device, set the serial settings (BaudRate 9600, DataBits 8, Parity None, StopBits 1, Serial Split timeout 50), set the wifi connection with the home network and set the TCP Server (port number).

As described above my issue was probably the baud rate and the tickbox for Powermax panels.

A Powermax Express should have the “Auto Enroll Supported” setting ticked as it should auto enroll. Your problem before was no communication at all. As it seems to be now communicating please tick this setting and try it again.

Before you restart HA, if you set your logger settings to this and upload a log file to pastebin/dropbox I’ll take a look through and see if I can help. Only then will I be able to properly see what’s going on. The first 1500 lines of the log file should do.
D :slight_smile:

Brilliant that did the trick! I tried the Auto Enroll before but as you said there was no communication at all (not sure what I was doing wrong). Now I can see my 3 PIRs and one contact sensor available.

Based on the log file I think the mode that the panel is connected is Powerlink or std plus but I am not sure because I cannot find the entity Panel Mode. Also the other entities that I can see to Wiki page (Panel Ready / Siren / Panel Exception Count) are missing. I tried the Download Code empty and AAAA but the result was the same.

I have pasted the logfile to dropbox here.

Btw do you have any donation page that I can support the project? The work you have done and the continuous support of the users is brilliant!

Edit: Solved. I can see the panel mode/siren etc. as attributes of the alarm_control_panel.visonic_alarm entity so I can create frontend by extracting those attributes

I’m glad to hear it’s working. I’m a bit surprised it’s operating at 3.75 volts. The minimum recommended is 4.5 V. If there’s a downstream regulator outputting 3.3 volts, it’s probably doing an adequate job if the dropout voltage is near its rated minimum.

Hi Rob. Yes it is working now flawlessly so far. I am not quite competent on voltages etc but the DOIT manual suggests two different working voltages:

Working voltage: 4.5V~6.0V, TTL working voltage: 3.3V (compatible with 5.0V)

Not entirely sure what’s the difference to be fair though

The working voltage applies to what you connect to the VCC pin. The nominal working voltage is stated to be 5 volts. I expect the logic on your panel and your DOIT module operate at 3.3 volts. The voltage available at the panel connector, is 3.75V, below the recommended minimum of 4.5V.

Your module probably uses a linear regulator IC to drop VCC down to 3.3 volts. Dropout voltage is a specification of the IC. It is the lowest difference between the regulator’s input and output at which it can actively regulate its output. So, with 3.75 volts at its input, the regulator would need to have a dropout voltage below 0.45 volts. Many low-dropout linear regulators can meet this specification, but what’s on your DOIT module is unknown. If the output of the regulator was below 3.3 volts, you would know it’s operating below it’s dropout capability.

You could measure the regulator output if you knew exactly where to probe. An indirect measurement can be made by measuring the Tx pin of the module at idle state, i.e. when there’s no communication. If it’s at 3.3 volts, you can reasonably assume the on-board regulator is doing its job.

“Compatible with 5.0V” means the Rx and Tx interfaces are capable of working with 5-volt logic families. This would be useful knowledge for someone having an older alarm system. The important bit of information the statement conveys is that an external 5-volt Tx signal will not damage the module by overstressing the Rx input.

I have check all parameters on my panel, and change some parameters and all works perfectly.

Thanks for you helping. :wink:

Hello. I have a Powermax+ with a Powerlink. Quite a while ago, I tried to set up the panel using a Windows and then an early Raspberry Pi integration. The Windows app seemed to work well but I did not want to leave the computer on all the time. The Raspberry Pi software communicated with the panel but there was no nice interface. In the end, I shelved it…

Now, I started getting into Home-Assistant and came across this Powermax integration. I’m trying to get it communicating with the panel. I’ve loaded the repository using HACS. I’ve added the github repository successfully. I’ve added the Visonic integration but I get an error. The panel type shows up as “unknown” and I get this notification about the integration: “Failed to connect into Visonic Alarm. Check Settings.”

I’m new to Home Assistant and still learning.

My panel is connected to my Raspberry Pi running Home Assistant. I’ve disconnected the Powerlink module that was connected to the Powermax+ panel and connected the panel to my Raspberry Pi using these two items:

  • “HDE 9-Pin DB9 Serial RS232 Port to RJ45 Cat5 Ethernet LAN Rollover Console Cable Switch Line”
  • " USB to Serial Adapter – 1 Port – USB Powered – FTDI USB UART Chip – DB9 (9-pin) – USB to RS232 Adapter"

This is what was working earlier. When I check the devices on my RPi, I have a /dev/ttyUSB0, which I believe is the panel. Before connected the panel USB cable above, there was not ttyUSB0 devices.

I checked the Wiki and I don’t think this setup was described there. So, mine goes panel (RJ45 where the Powerlink connected) connected to the RJ45 to DB9 connector which then goes to USB using the FTDI cable.

I’m not sure where to start. Any help is appreciated.

I’m a little confused, are you using both at the same time because you don’t need to. In fact I’m not sure what you are connecting the HDE cable to in to the alarm panel? I do not think you should be using the HDE cable.

Let’s start with the Startech. I assume that it is something like this on amazon.
I also assume that the HDE is something like this on Amazon

The Startech lets you connect to the USB on the RasPi and provides an RS232 9 pin connector. There are a couple of things here:

  • I’m not sure whether the RS232 voltage levels are TTL or not. For the alarm panel they need to be TTL. If you have a volt meter yoiu can measure the voltage on the Startech RS232 9 pin connector and check whether they are TTL or not, @pocket may be able to help you here if you need more information.
  • Is there driver software that needs to be installed on the RasPi

Assuming that it is TTL, you would then need to connect 3 wires to the alarm panel from the Startech 9 pin connector:

  • Ground to Ground
  • Rx to Tx
  • Tx to Rx

Do not connect the power wires as you will damage the panel. I’m not sure that the HDE cable will do this and I don’t understand where you are connecting it in the alarm panel.

Perhaps you could take a photograph and upload it here, that might help.

Both of those devices have a DB-9 connector, which suggest with near certainty they are using RS-232 signal levels (± 12V). If you can measure the power pin on the panel, it can inform you of the correct type of interface cable to use. Some cables can work with both 3.3 V and 5 V logic levels, but you would have to carefully read the specifications. This one is designed to be compatible with either logic level:

@davesmeghead those are the exact two cables you listed from Amazon. I was trying to put the Amazon links but as my account is new, I was prevented from doing so.

@pocket Thank you for the references. These are cables that I had previously researched long ago. I had tried them and they worked with my RPi.

I had used / tested them with two pieces of software and they seemed to work fine.

One was the VisonicDriver for Windows: Home Automation Domotica Forum Europe, Bwired Forum • View topic - Visonic Powermax Interface (Windows) application

The other was using a Linux daemon found at: GitHub - viknet365/pmaxd: daemon for communication between linux and a visonic powermax alarm

The last one was described at Home Automation Domotica Forum Europe, Bwired Forum • View topic - Powerlink serial pinout, linux daemon and web interface and then Step by step guide: Visonic Powermax Pro integration - Domoticz

I don’t remember having to install any special software on the RPi to make the serial port visible. I did have to install drivers to make the Startech work in Windows. The above two pieces of software worked without problems. FYI, I also used the Visonic Powermaster Remote Programmer successfully, which is a Windows program that can be used to program the panel.

The Powermax+ has a location for connection to an external Powerlink module or an external GSM modem. There is a small adapter that is plugged in and provides a female RJ45 port that can be plugged into.

I’ll take pictures and post.

Here are the pictures:

It quite possible that I did not need both of these but only needed something to go from the RJ45 to USB…properly.

The blue cable looks like the console cable for a network switch you’d plug into a computer with a standard DB-9 RS-232 output. And if you’ve used it successfully to communicate with your panel, there could be a way to get the bits flowing. I suggest you try something like this:

The FTDI hardware usually works with the Rpi. Of course, you’d be treading unfamiliar ground.

Let’s go back to basics. This message is put in to the logfile when it cannot connect. I had assumed that it was a hardware problem but if you have had it working then itmust be correct (probably).

When you configure this integration in HA I assume that you pick USB. What do you set as the USB local path. Is it /dev/ttyUSB0 and leave the baud rate at 9600. How do you set the number of stop bits and the parity for the RS232 connection?

Can you get a terminal prompt on your RasPi? Either direct or via SSH? You could try direct with my test programme and not do it using HA. See here for more info.

Yes, I picked USB and specified /dev/ttyUSB0. I tried 9600 and then 38400 with the same unsuccessful results. I didn’t set the stop bits or parity. Did not think of this and not mentioned in the instructions.

I’ll try the you linked to. In Home Assistant, I can get a terminal there. I’m assuming that’s ok. I tried it there but was not found.

@davesmeghead I did a “find / -name” and it found 3 that were in the python3 directories, that I assume are not related to the add-on.

Where would I find or download the referred to?