Vistapool Integration

Hi, I have a heat pump to heat the swimming pool and I control it with Hayward app see attached photos, my question is how can I recover the data and control the pump via modbus or other using homeassistant? Thank you


Do you have the Hayward deviceā€™s modbus registers description available?

No, I havenā€™t found anything online, and I donā€™t think there is a portal where you can enter your username and password. At least I didnā€™t find it.

Try to ask manufacturer or local dealer. No way w/o this description

Is there no software to recover logs?

IĀØm not aware of it :thinking:

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How could I contact Hayward? Have you done this before?

Hello everyone, I have a HA connection via Modbus to my sugar valley device, this Tasmota option is perfect

but unfortunately I have no idea about Tasmota and I wonder if there is a way to integrate the % hydrolysis, if it is on Low or if it adds acid? Getting this data would be fantastic.
Any news if this information can be added in a simple way?

Thank you


Sorry, I donā€™t think I explained anything well.

Do you have any code or way to decipher or interpret the data given by the MBF_Hydro_Status sensor?
For example, now it is indicating 8936, what does that mean?

8936 is ā€œ0010001011101000ā€ in binary, it means state of each of 16 bits of register 0x010E MBF_RELAY_STATE
in your example (8936) is 3rd bit = 1 >> 2 0x0004 Elec ā€“ Reservado etc.
To decode 3rd bit try {{ states('sensor.MBF_HIDRO_STATUS') | int(0) // 4 % 2 }} where ā€œ4ā€ is a mask (MĆ”scara ) converted from hex to dec.

kajmaj Thank you very much, without your help I would still be in the last decade.

What you are telling me is very complex for my knowledge.
Currently what I have is this code in the configuration.yaml
During the last year it has been going very well for me, but as always we want a little more, and it would be great to have some more information within these sensors.
Do you have any more code I can use to convert those binary logs into readable information?


  • type: tcp
    port: 8899
    name: ā€œbazenā€
    • name: MBF_MEASURE_PH # hodnota pH
      unit_of_measurement: pH
      slave: 1
      address: 258
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scale: 0.01
      precision: 2
      scan_interval: 90

    • name: MBF_MEASURE_TEMPERATURE # teplota vody
      unit_of_measurement: Ā°C
      slave: 1
      address: 262
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scale: 0.1
      precision: 1
      scan_interval: 90

    • name: MBF_PH_STATUS # AL3, stav pH, peristaltika
      slave: 1
      address: 263
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scan_interval: 90

    • name: MBF_VALOR_Redox # medicion actual redu
      unit_of_measurement: Rx
      slave: 1
      address: 259
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scale: 1
      precision: 2
      scan_interval: 90

    • name: MBF_PAR_FILTRATION_STATE # stav filtrace (zap/vyp)
      slave: 1
      address: 1057
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scan_interval: 90

    • name: MBF_PAR_FILT_MANUAL_STATE # MBF_PAR_FILT_MANUAL_STATE-stav filtrace zap/vyp
      slave: 1
      address: 1043
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scan_interval: 90

    • name: MBF_PAR_FILT_MODE # režim filtrace
      slave: 1
      address: 1041
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scan_interval: 90

    • name: MBF_RELAY_STATE # stav jednotlivych rele
      slave: 1
      address: 270
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16

    • name: MBF_PAR_HIDRO_COVER_ENABLE # aktivace krytu 1/0
      slave: 1
      address: 1068
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scan_interval: 90

    • name: MBF_PAR_HIDRO_COVER_REDUCTION # redukce hydrolyzy v %
      slave: 1
      address: 1069
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scan_interval: 90

    • name: MBF_HIDRO_STATUS # stav systemu hydrolyzy
      slave: 1
      address: 269
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint16
      scan_interval: 90

Not sure, what are you asking for.

How do you want to convert binary into readable? It is either 1 or 0. Each bit is dedicated to one device. Saying if device is on/off, available/not available, ā€¦
All it depends on what you have installed and information you are looking for.

As you can see in the image of the other group of tasmota, in hydrolysis for example, they have the production value of the cell at 54%, or if it is in Pol1 or Pol2, is it possible to have that information through modbus?

If you know the proper register, just read it.

Good morning Kajmaj, Iā€™m new in all of this, I have a loxone system with a modbus extension, and I just install a hayward aquarite sistem, Iā€™m try to connect but it doesnā€™t work, also Iā€™m looking for a connexion information but I donā€™t find anything. Can you help me a while?
Thanks a lot

How connected? Do you set up serial connection, do you have connected A to A B to B? How do you find that it does not work?

At modbus extension I only have + and - and is connected to pin 2 and 3 of wifi/modbus. Right now I had to disconnect all other modbus items because I donā€™t know how to change address 1, I only want to read values like temperature, phā€¦ the second step, control other parameters

Try to swap + and -, check baud rate, parity etc.

hi guys, today Iā€™ll answer myselfā€¦ yes because it was difficult but by continuing to search I discovered like many things that this device is used on other heat pumps and is called with different names and also with different apps (but user and same passes), but the substance is always the same. However, a well-done integration already exists, thanks and radical-squared, Iā€™ll leave you the direct link here GitHub - radical-squared/aquatemp: Home Assistant AquaTemp Heat Pump Climate Entity