Vistapool Integration

I also think I found the modbus protocol

Heat Pump Protocol

Hello kai,
im fairly new to this system.
Is it possible to get your code in order to base my integration on it?

What do you interested in? Almost everything has been already published early in this thread

I know this code parts where amazing thanks very much for them.
Iā€™m currently searching for a way on how to write to the registers for Cl and Ph and Pump controlls.
Also how do you integrate the script for the lighting in home assistant

Do you know registers address and their values?
Light control script is here. You can use any other way of your preferrence.

Yes i know the registers.
Is there a similar process needed for chlorine or ph needed as for the light or is it enough to just directly write those values?

I havenĀ“t try to change PH and Cl values. As I do not see any reason to do it.
Nonetheless if you know the register to address it could be theoretically possible by write to single register.

Ok thanks very much for your help.
How do you import the pump control code?
do i need to create the authomations and scripts separate?

Do not understand

You have posted your pump control earlier but im struggling to find the right way to use it in homeassistant

You should run script from automation

where in home assistant do i put the code?

Sorry. Cannot help. You should start to study HA documentation first

Hello Jiiins,
Can you please repost this document ? (MODDBUS PARA CLIENTES ENG.pdf)
Thank you very much


mentioned here

Thank you Kajmaj !

Here it is.

For reference, the docā€™s title is ā€œNeoPool Control System MODBUS Register descriptionā€ by Sugar Valley.

Hi Tobias,

While i have the Modbus integration up and running Iā€™d like to check out your integration and potentially use them both - I have a hard time adjusting pump speed as an example.

I tried to install your integration via HACS but cannot locate it, what would be the correct name?


Hi Perry,

I could not find the HACS implementation neither and didnā€™t have access to modbus at the moment.

I do have the wifi module and upon browsing to port 80, I was served with a simple webpage with the 3 values of interest to me (temp, ph, orp). I created a simple scraper in home assistant to get the 3 values out, convert them to float and store them. Hope this can help you!


Thanks for your comment - I do have modbus running and get all the values I need + I can adjust some setting except for pump speed. This is what i was looking for. In the mean time i manually installed the da-gen integration and it only return some basic values ()which i already have and then some)